本文选题:明治时期 + 小说 ; 参考:《山西大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:在日语学习中,我发现“に”作为一个重要的格助词经常出现在小说、评论、日记、散文、演说和随笔日记等文学作品中。并且,“に”所表达的意义多种多样,具有一定的多义性。例如,它可以表示动作的场所和时间、动作的到达点和变化的结果以及动作的状态和移动的方向。这对于日语学习者来说,确实是个重点,同时也是个难点。因此,学术界有很多关于“に”的研究文献。据统计,国内外的此类文献多达200多。但是,在笔者写毕业论文参考了一些先前的研究之后,发现这些研究文献多是对格助词“に”的用法所做的总结,或者是把格助词“に”同其它的格助词在用法、语义等方面做的比较,以时间为线索的研究特别少。因此,本文着眼从这个新的视点,对明治中期和后期的小说中格助词“に”的使用情况做一考察。并在此基础上,和现代日语格助词“に”的重要用法加以比较,从而了解其中的一些变化情况。我认为,本文的着眼点和研究方法有一定的创新之处。 之所以选择明治中后期的作品进行考察,原因有三:1、对当时的使用情况已做了统计调查,掌握了一定的资料。2、对一个具体的时间段进行调查可行性和准确性较高。3、日本的言文一致运动发生在这个时期,所以我认为调查这一时期的情况具有一定的意义。 本文由四部分构成。第一章介绍了本论文研究的提起、考查范围、先行研究以及问题点、考察的方法和目标。第二章主要考察明治20-30年代小说作品中格助词“に”的使用情况。这一部分把“に”的用法分为19类,每一类都一次做了分析。第三章是对明治30-40年代小说作品中格助词“に”使用情况的考察,具体方法和第二章一样。第四章是本文的结论部分。在这一章里,首先介绍了现代日语中格助词“に”的一些重要的用法,其次把前两章的结论和这些用法做一比较,从对格助词“に”在用法上的一些变化消长情况加以了解。这些结论将在今后学习语言学方面有一定的辅助作用。 此外,由于笔者的学习水平有限,以及这方面能参考的资料少之又少,本文尚存在一些不足之处。并且,所考察的作品数量有限,本文的结论难免缺乏可依据性。笔者将在今后对这一方面做更进一步的调查研究。
[Abstract]:In the study of Japanese, I found that "Li" as an important auxiliary word often appears in novels, commentaries, diaries, essays, speeches and essay diaries and other literary works. Moreover, the meaning of "Li" is various and has certain polysemy. For example, it can represent the place and time of the action, the arrival point of the action and the result of the change, as well as the state of the action and the direction of movement. This is indeed an important and difficult point for Japanese learners. Therefore, the academic community has a lot of research on the "Li" literature. According to statistics, there are more than 200 such documents at home and abroad. However, after writing my graduation thesis and referring to some previous studies, it is found that most of the research literature is a summary of the use of the case auxiliary word "Li", or the use of the case auxiliary word "Li" with other case auxiliary words. There are few studies on time as cues in comparison of semantics and so on. Therefore, from this new point of view, this paper makes an investigation on the use of the auxiliary word "Li" in the middle and late Meiji novels. On this basis, it compares with the important usage of the modern Japanese case auxiliary word "Hu", so as to understand some of the changes. I believe that the focus of this article and research methods have some innovation. The reason for choosing the works from the middle and late Meiji period for investigation is three: 1. A statistical survey has been done on the use of the works at that time. Having grasped certain data. 2, carries on the investigation feasibility and the accuracy to a specific time period to be high. 3, the Japanese speech article consistent movement takes place in this period, therefore I think the investigation this period situation has the certain significance. This paper consists of four parts. The first chapter introduces the research of this paper, the scope of examination, the first research and the problem points, the methods and objectives of the investigation. The second chapter mainly examines the use of the auxiliary word "Li" in Meiji's 20-30 s novels. This part classifies the use of "Hu" into 19 categories, each of which is analyzed at one time. The third chapter is a survey of the use of the auxiliary word "Li" in Meiji's 30-40's novels, the concrete method is the same as the second chapter. Chapter four is the conclusion of this paper. In this chapter, the author first introduces some important usage of the auxiliary word "Hu" in modern Japanese, and then compares the conclusions of the first two chapters with these usage, and makes a study of the changes and changes in the usage of the auxiliary word "Hu". These conclusions will play an auxiliary role in the study of linguistics in the future. In addition, due to the limited learning level of the author, and there are few references in this field, there are still some deficiencies in this paper. Moreover, the number of works examined is limited, the conclusion of this paper is inevitably lack of basis. The author will do further investigation and research on this aspect in the future.
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