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发布时间:2018-07-22 12:28
【摘要】:在语言教育学领域,有关第二语言习得的研究层出不穷。与第一语言习得即母语的习得相比,二语习得在很多方面都显得更为复杂。这是由于二语习得不仅仪和学习者的母语习得背景、认知能力以及学习方法息息相关,其同时还受到语言习得环境和指导方法等客观因素的影响。 在当今中国社会,虽说语言教育已经取得了长足的发展,然而大多数的日语学习者的学习环境依然局限在教室当中,与真实的外语使用环境相脱离。因此,如何发现课堂教学当中的问题,并及时加以解决就显得十分必要。笔者同样也是从课堂教授的单词、语法开始学习日语的,对此深有感触,因此,欲从教学课堂之上的语言教授方法着手,来开展自己的研究。 众所周知,语言教育大致可以分为三个阶段:分别是初级、中级和高级阶段,每个阶段又是由词汇、句型、语法、作文指导等多个要素构成的。无论置身于哪个阶段,词汇的指导都占有极其重要的位置。词汇指导的内容具体又包括“词形”、“意义”、“运用”这三个方面,其中的“运用”可以说是外语学习高级阶段的要求之一,也可以说是整个词汇学习的最重要目的。“运用”又可以细分为“语法功能”、“词组”和“运用限制”三个部分。从现有的语言教育现状来看,大多数教师都将“语法功能”作为重点来教授,而有关“词组”的强化练习却并不多见。“词组”作为中级阶段之后的一个重要习得内容,理应得到更多的重视。从作者多年学与教的经验来看,与词汇紧密相关的词组类知识,通常是进入中级阶段之后,学习者通过自身的努力习得的。从这一点来说,教师在这一方面曾经发挥的作用相当的有限。另外,在母语习得的阶段,人总是通过不断地接触、模仿或是练习,不知不觉当中就可以掌握大量的词组知识,然而这对于第二语言学习者来说却没有那么容易。像类似[修罗场をくぐる]、[知惠を绞る]这样的词组,外国人在掌握的过程当中,必须付出相当大的努力。要想要掌握地道的日语,能够熟练运用大量丰富的词组是重要前提之一 基于上述理由,本文以学习日语的中国人为研究对象,根据笔者自身的学习及教学经验,在问卷调查的基础之上,争取能够全面把握“词组”习得的现状,探清“词组”类误用产生的原因,并在此基础之上提出自己认为行之有效的教学方法。由于日语与中文在字形等方面存在诸多相似点,这成为影响中国人日语习得的重要因素,也是本文的研究重点之一。笔者希望通过此项研究,能为今后日语教学当中的“词组”指导,尽自己的微薄之力。
[Abstract]:In the field of language pedagogy, researches on second language acquisition are endless. Second language acquisition is more complicated than first language acquisition or mother tongue acquisition. This is due to the fact that second language acquisition is not only closely related to learners' mother tongue acquisition background, cognitive ability and learning methods, but also influenced by objective factors such as language acquisition environment and guiding methods. In today's Chinese society, although language education has made great progress, the learning environment of most Japanese learners is still confined to the classroom, which is divorced from the real environment of foreign language use. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the problems in classroom teaching and solve them in time. The author also starts to learn Japanese from the vocabulary and grammar in the classroom. Therefore, I want to start my own research from the language teaching method above the classroom. As we all know, language education can be divided into three stages: primary stage, intermediate stage and advanced stage. Each stage is composed of vocabulary, sentence pattern, grammar, composition guidance and so on. At any stage, lexical guidance plays an extremely important role. The contents of lexical instruction include three aspects: "lexical form", "meaning" and "application", among which the "use" is one of the requirements of the advanced stage of foreign language learning and the most important purpose of the whole vocabulary learning. Application can be subdivided into three parts: grammatical function, phrase and application restriction. Judging from the present situation of language education, most teachers focus on grammatical function, but the intensive exercises on phrase are seldom seen. As an important acquisition content after intermediate stage, phrase deserves more attention. From the author's experience in many years of learning and teaching, the lexical knowledge, which is closely related to vocabulary, is usually acquired by learners through their own efforts after entering the intermediate stage. From this point of view, teachers have played a rather limited role in this respect. In addition, in the stage of mother tongue acquisition, one can learn a lot of phrases unconsciously through constant contact, imitation or practice, but this is not easy for second language learners. Foreigners must make considerable efforts in the process of mastering such phrases as "Xiurou" and "Zhihui". If you want to master authentic Japanese, it is one of the important prerequisites to be able to use a large number of rich phrases skillfully. Based on the above reasons, this paper takes the Chinese who study Japanese as the research object, according to the author's own learning and teaching experience. On the basis of questionnaire survey, the author tries to grasp the present situation of "phrase" acquisition, to find out the causes of the misuse of "phrase", and to put forward some effective teaching methods on this basis. Because there are many similarities between Japanese and Chinese in glyph and so on, this has become an important factor affecting the acquisition of Chinese Japanese, and is also one of the key points of this paper. The author hopes that through this research, I can do my best to guide the phrase in Japanese teaching in the future.


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