发布时间:2019-05-23 09:22
【摘要】:正 在日语句法学中如何看待句子结构,即句子结构观,各家都有自己的见解,其中最有代表性的是山田文法、桥本文法和时枝文法,而现代语法学家渡边实、北原保雄等也别具一格,具有自己的特点。本文准备在论述各家观点的同时,也谈谈自己的学习心得。
[Abstract]:In Japanese syntactic law, how to treat sentence structure, that is, the view of sentence structure, each school has its own views, the most representative of which are Yamada grammar, Hashimoto grammar and time branch grammar, while modern grammarians Watanabe. Beiyuan Baoxiong and so on are also unique, with their own characteristics. This article is going to discuss the views of each school, but also talk about their own learning experience.
[Abstract]:In Japanese syntactic law, how to treat sentence structure, that is, the view of sentence structure, each school has its own views, the most representative of which are Yamada grammar, Hashimoto grammar and time branch grammar, while modern grammarians Watanabe. Beiyuan Baoxiong and so on are also unique, with their own characteristics. This article is going to discuss the views of each school, but also talk about their own learning experience.
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