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发布时间:2018-02-12 13:13

  本文关键词: 言语反语 顺应理论 《唐顿庄园》 出处:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:反语作为日常交际中常见的现象,研究者们已经从不同的角度进行了探索,例如修辞学、文学、心理学及语用学。但是由于认知和心理的复杂多变性,鲜有反语研究从此方面进行深入透彻系统的研究,因此极有必要探讨在不同环境中,心理认知对反语生成的影响。同时,顺应理论涉及语言领域的文化、社会及认知因素,这一理论为解释反语生成提供了全面的理论模型。本研究正是基于顺应论旨在探索话语反语的形式特征及借助心理学相关知识阐释说话者反语的形成。研究者对52集英国电视剧《唐顿庄园》进行了仔细观看,转写和分析,根据姚俊(2008)提出的反语鉴别标准,从中收集了 365个言语反语的实例,并借助下列研究问题,从顺应论的语境关系顺应、结构关系顺应角度将反语实例划分不同类别,其中,语境关系顺应包括社会语境和心理世界顺应,结构关系顺应分为词汇、语法、修辞、语用形式的提示语(参考姚俊提出的反语言语线索)。本研究也结合实例进一步探讨了说话者反语形成的动态性及个人、社会特性。本文主要围绕三个问题展开讨论:(1)每季电视剧中言语反语如何分布?(2)反语如何顺应语境关系、结构关系?(3)说话者如何进行反语动态顺应,顺应中有哪些特性?研究结果表明:(1)反语在此电视剧对话中分布广泛,分布情况与故事情节相关;(2)反语的语境关系顺应包括社会世界和心理世界顺应,其中主要顺应说话者情绪,极少对不平等的权力关系顺应;结构关系顺应中主要使用反问句形式,极少使用形容词最高级形式;(3)反语的动态顺应中主要包括体现期望的个人特性和非对称的社会特性。本反语研究不仅扩充了顺应理论的应用范围,同时,通过反语实例,也支持了顺应理论框架在语用范围的应用实践,顺应理论能够更好地帮助理解反语现象。但是,由于收集数据的局限性及研究者的知识有限,本研究所涉及的顺应理论框架并不能完全解释反语现象。因此,如果今后能获得更多值得研究的反语数据材料,希望能找到更全面阐释反语现象的理论框架。
[Abstract]:Irony, as a common phenomenon in daily communication, has been explored from different perspectives, such as rhetoric, literature, psychology and pragmatics. Therefore, it is necessary to explore the influence of psychological cognition on irony generation in different environments. At the same time, adaptation theory involves cultural, social and cognitive factors in the field of language. The purpose of this study is to explore the formal characteristics of utterance irony and explain the formation of speaker irony with the help of psychological knowledge. 52 episodes of the British TV series Downton Abbey were carefully watched. According to Yao Jun-yu 's criterion of irony identification, 365 examples of verbal irony are collected, and the following research questions are used to study adaptation from the context of adaptation Theory. From the perspective of structural relation adaptation, irony examples are divided into different categories, in which contextual adaptation includes social context and psychological adaptation, and structural adaptation is divided into lexical, grammatical and rhetorical aspects. Pragmatic cues (referring to Yao Jun's verbal cues of irony) this study further explores the dynamic and personal characteristics of the speaker's irony formation in the light of practical examples. Social characteristics. This paper focuses on three issues: how do we distribute verbal irony in every season of TV dramas? (2) how does irony adapt to contextual and structural relationships? 3) how does the speaker make dynamic adaptation of irony, and what are the characteristics of adaptation? The results show that irony is widely distributed in the dialogue of this TV series, and its distribution is related to the plot of the story. (2) the contextual adaptation of irony includes social and psychological adaptation, in which it is mainly adapted to the speaker's emotion. Rarely adapt to unequal power relations; structural adaptation mainly uses the form of rhetorical questions, This study not only expands the scope of application of adaptation theory, but also extends the scope of application of irony theory through examples of irony. It also supports the practical application of adaptation theory framework in pragmatic scope. Adaptation theory can help understand irony better. However, due to the limitations of data collection and the limited knowledge of researchers, adaptation theory can help understand the phenomenon of irony better. The framework of adaptation theory in this study can not fully explain the phenomenon of irony. Therefore, if we can obtain more data of irony in the future, we hope to find a more comprehensive theoretical framework to explain the phenomenon of irony.


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