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发布时间:2018-02-12 09:50

  本文关键词: 翻转课堂教学模式 英语听力教学 听力输入 学习主动性 出处:《青岛科技大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Listening teaching has always been the focus of college English teaching. The proportion of listening comprehension in college English grade examination has reached 35 points, which is enough to show the importance attached to listening level, and at the same time put forward higher requirements for listening teaching. In order to solve the problem that the students' listening level is generally low, flipping classroom provides a new teaching mode for college English listening teaching. This study applies the flipping classroom theory to non-English majors' listening teaching. What is the present situation of college students' English listening comprehension? 2) what is the present situation of college English listening teaching? 3) is flipping classroom theory effective in college English listening teaching? In this study, 110 freshmen non-English majors in Qingdao University of Science and Technology and 30 English teachers in Qingdao University of Science and Technology, who are responsible for college English teaching, were selected as subjects. Using the methods of quantitative and qualitative research, the students were investigated by questionnaire to find out their attitudes towards English listening. The problems encountered in their study and their attitudes and expectations towards the current teaching of college English listening. (2) A questionnaire survey was conducted among 30 college English teachers to find out their attitudes towards listening teaching. The teaching method and the problems encountered in teaching, as well as the cognitive level of the flipped classroom, divided 110 students into two classes: one class adopted the traditional teaching mode, the other class adopted the flipping classroom teaching mode. A three-month teaching experiment was conducted on the students of the two classes, and the listening level of the students was tested before and after the teaching. The purpose of this study is to study whether the flipped classroom is more effective than the traditional teaching mode in college English listening teaching. Through the analysis and discussion of the relevant data, the present study draws the following conclusions: 1) the situation of college students' English listening learning is worrying. Lack of initiative in learning, lack of interest in English, and lack of effective learning methods at the same time, there are many problems in college English listening teaching, and quite a number of teachers still adopt the traditional teaching mode. Students' learning initiative and enthusiasm can not be mobilized effectively, the classroom model is monotonous, and the students' actual participation is lower (3) the flipping classroom teaching model can stimulate the students' learning initiative and enthusiasm to a greater extent. Increase extracurricular listening input time, improve students' listening level.


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