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发布时间:2018-02-12 15:23

  本文关键词: 跨文化能力 课程评估 英语教学 出处:《外语与外语教学》2017年02期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:Cross-cultural competence training has become one of the key issues in college English curriculum reform. In order to improve the efficiency of cross-cultural teaching and provide the basis for the reform of college English curriculum, this study adopts non-linguistic English curriculum evaluation data. By using the method of questionnaire and in-depth interview, this paper analyzes the important factors that influence the level of cross-cultural competence in college English skill courses. Curriculum factors such as autonomous learning ability and effectiveness of teaching methods have an important impact on the overall level and specific dimensions of cross-cultural competence, while the degree of improvement of English skills and the degree of curriculum satisfaction have no significant impact on cross-cultural competence; There are significant differences between different students' backgrounds, campus learning environment and cross-cultural competence level. The study shows the intrinsic relationship between curriculum factors and cross-cultural competence, which is useful for the systematic construction of cross-cultural competence in foreign language teaching. It is of practical significance to optimize cross-cultural teaching methods.
【作者单位】: 北京外国语大学专用英语学院;美国西卡罗莱纳大学考特勒教研中心;


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