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发布时间:2018-02-26 17:33

  本文关键词: 翻译适应选择论 翻译生态环境 适应和选择 《丰乳肥臀》 葛浩文 出处:《内蒙古大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:《丰乳肥臀》是诺贝尔文学奖获得者莫言的作品,其英文版由美国著名翻译家,也是目前英语世界地位最高的中国现当代文学翻译家葛浩文完成。长久以来他都致力于中国文学,尤其是中国现当代小说的翻译。杰出的双语和双文化能力使他的译本在西方国家广受欢迎。他为弘扬中国文化,促进中西方文化交流做出了贡献。然而在中国,仅就在近些年,他的译作才逐渐受到学者们的青睐,但只局限于一小部分作品,葛浩文翻译的《丰乳肥臀》并没有得到太多的关注。胡庚申在全球生态文化学术思潮的影响下,受达尔文生物进化论"自然选择"学说的启发,提出了 "翻译适应选择论"。在这一理论中,胡庚申把翻译定义为译者适应翻译生态环境的选择活动,大体上说,翻译就包括"适应"和"选择"两个阶段。"适应"就是译者的选择性适应,而"选择"就是译者的适应性选择。胡庚申的这一理论强调了译者的中心地位,这也为翻译研究提供了一个新的视角。本文将"翻译适应选择论"作为理论框架,对葛浩文所处的生态环境进行描述,再从语言、文化、交际三维对葛浩文的适应和选择进行分析,试图发现葛浩文是通过怎样的适应选择译出具有较高整合适应选择度的译文的。研究发现,葛浩文不断的适应和选择,展现了他高超的翻译能力和水平,同时也反映出他忠实于原文的翻译风格,最终造就了其译作的成功。本文试图为翻译适应选择论和葛浩文翻译作品的研究做出某种贡献,提供启示。同时,作者也希望本研究可以作为个案证明翻译适应选择论的可行性及对翻译实践活动的解释力,并为葛浩文及其英译小说的研究提供一些参考。
[Abstract]:"Breast and hips" is the work of Nobel Prize winner Mo Yan, whose English version is written by a famous American translator. GE Haowen, a translator of Chinese modern and contemporary literature with the highest status in the English world at present, has long devoted himself to Chinese literature. In particular, the translation of modern and contemporary Chinese novels. His outstanding bilingual and bicultural abilities made his translations popular in the West. He contributed to the promotion of Chinese culture and the promotion of cultural exchanges between China and the West. However, in China, only in recent years, His translation was gradually favored by scholars, but it was limited to a small number of works, but not much attention was paid to Gengshen Hu's translation of "fat buttocks". Hu Gengshen was influenced by the global trend of thought on ecological culture. Inspired by Darwin's theory of biological evolution "natural selection", this paper puts forward the theory of "adaptation to translation". In this theory, Hu Gengshen defines translation as the translator's choice to adapt to the ecological environment of translation. There are two stages in translation: adaptation and choice. Adaptation is the translator's selective adaptation, while choice is the translator's adaptive choice. Hu Gengshen's theory emphasizes the translator's central position. This also provides a new perspective for translation studies. This paper takes the Theory of Translation adaptation Choice as the theoretical framework to describe the ecological environment in which Gehor is located, and then from the perspective of language and culture. Three dimensional communicative analysis of the adaptation and selection of the text, trying to find out how to adapt to the choice of translation with a higher degree of integration of the adaptation of the text, the study found that the constant adaptation and choice. This thesis attempts to make some contributions to the study of the translation adaptation option and the translation works of GE Haowen, which shows his excellent translation ability and level, and at the same time reflects his faithfulness to the translation style of the original text, which ultimately leads to the success of his translation. At the same time, the author also hopes that this study can be used as a case study to prove the feasibility of the theory of translation adaptation and the explanatory power of translation practice, and to provide some references for the study of GE Haowen and his novels translated into English.


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7 陶惟;论《丰乳肥臀》翻译中的译者主体性[D];南京大学;2013年

8 李朝艳;接受美学视角下汉语文化负载词的翻译[D];西北大学;2012年




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