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发布时间:2018-03-16 03:07

  本文选题:因果连词 切入点:because 出处:《中南财经政法大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本文基于构式语法理论(Construction Grammar,CxG),主要通过文献阅读、归纳演义以及语料库考察等方法,试图对英语原因连词because所连接的因果复句做全面考察,对其主要的句法和语义特征做深入细致的分析。本文的语料来源主要是大英国家语料库(British National Corpus,BNC)以及有关的研究文献。基于Kanetani(2006)对英语因果复句的分类以及对大英国家语料库中随机抽样的3000条语料的观察分析,本文将because连接的因果复句所体现和归属的because构式分为两种语义类型:原因义类型和推理义类型。研究发现,原因义类型有四种句法表现形式,分别为[C2 because C1],[C2,because C1],[Because C1C2],[Because C1,C2];推理义类型有一种句法表现形式,为[C2,because C1]。原因义类型表达两个事件或命题之间的客观因果关系,两者存在内在逻辑上的联系;推理义类型则表达言者主观认识和判断的两个事件或命题之间或所实施的言语行为与某事件或命题之间的关系。从句法层面对because构式的句法分析主要包括时体语态、情态、否定、句法功能、分裂结构、名词化即because of句型等。研究发现,原因义类型与推理义类型在时、体、态等方面均未表现出明显对立或区别倾向,原因义类型中的原因与结果事件具有时间先后性,而推理义类型则多使用情态词来表达言者对两个事件之间因果联系的猜测或推理。否定形式的原因义类型具有歧义,而推理义类型的否定形式无歧义,原因从句的句法位置以及主从句之间逗号有无会影响其语义解读。在句法功能方面,原因义类型中because的功能等同于附加状语(adjunct),而推理义类型中because的功能则类似外加状语(disjunct)。此外,原因义类型的复句可以转换为分裂句以及because of等句型,而推理义类型的复句则不能。对语义特征方面的探讨主要包括预设和断言、主客观性、内在目的性、because构式义类型之间的关系、Just because X doesn’t mean Y以及because与相关因果连词的语义对比等内容。研究表明,原因义类型的because构式中,主句表达的结果事件为预设信息,是言者和听者共有的已知信息,而从句表达的原因事件则为断言性质,是句子所要传达的新信息。根据言语交际的信息传递原则,即由已知信息到未知信息传递的表达传递原则,在原因义类型中,主句在前原因从句在后的结构是最常见、使用最普遍的。与之相反,推理义类型中,主句则为断言性质。研究还发现,原因义类型具有表义客观性特征,推理义类型具有表义主观性特征,这一特点归因于推理义类型中言者主观判断因素的介入。此外,because构式与目的状语有时能够互换,因此具有表义内在目的性的特点。分析还表明,原因义类型是because构式的核心义,推理义则为边缘义。两种义类型之间还存在隐喻性扩展连接的关系。
[Abstract]:Based on the construction grammar theory, this paper attempts to make a comprehensive study of causal complex sentences connected by English causative conjunctions (because) by means of literature reading, inductive interpretation and corpus investigation. The main syntactic and semantic features are analyzed in detail. The main sources of this study are British National Corpus BNCC (British National Corpus) and related literature. The classification of causality complex sentences in English based on Kanetanig 2006 and the English causality complex sentence in Great Britain. Observation and Analysis of 3000 randomly sampled Corpus, In this paper, the causality complex sentence of because connection is divided into two kinds of semantic types: the type of reason and the type of inference. The study shows that there are four syntactic expressions of the semantic type of reason. They are [C2 because C1], [C2because C1], [Because C1C2], [Because C1C _ 2], respectively. The type of inference denotes the relationship between the two events or propositions of the speaker's subjective cognition and judgment, or between the speech acts performed and a certain event or proposition. The syntactic analysis of because constructions from the syntactic level mainly includes stylistic voice and modality. Negation, syntactic function, split structure, nominalization that is because of sentence pattern, etc. The reason and result events have a time order in the type of cause meaning, while the type of inference meaning uses modal words to express the speaker's guess or inference about the causal relation between the two events. The type of cause meaning of negative form is ambiguous, and the reason meaning type of the negative form is ambiguous, and the reason meaning type of the negative form is ambiguous. However, there is no ambiguity in the negative form of the type of inference meaning, the syntactic position of the reason clause and whether the comma between the main and subordinate sentences will affect its semantic interpretation. The function of because is equivalent to that of adjunct in the type of causative meaning, while the function of because in the type of inference is similar to that of the adjunct. In addition, the complex sentence of the type of reason can be converted into a split sentence and a sentence type such as because of. But the complex sentence of inference type can not. The discussion of semantic feature mainly includes presupposition and assertion, subjective and objective, The relationship between the internal purposeful meaning type and the semantic comparison between because and the related causality conjunctions, such as just because X doesn't mean Y, and so on. The study shows that in the because constructions of causative types, the result events expressed by the main sentence are presupposition information. It is known information shared by both the speaker and the listener, while the reason for clause expression is an assertion and a new message to be conveyed by the sentence. According to the principle of information transmission in verbal communication, That is, the principle of expressing and transferring from known information to unknown information. In the type of reason, the main sentence is the most common and most commonly used in the structure of the preceding clause. The study also finds that the type of reason is objective in meaning, and the type of inference is subjective in meaning. This feature is attributed to the intervention of the subjective judgment factors of the speaker in the type of inference meaning. In addition, because constructions and target adverbials are sometimes interchangeable, they have the characteristic of expressing the inner purpose of meaning. The analysis also shows that the type of cause meaning is the core meaning of the because construction. There is also a metaphorical extension connection between the two semantic types.


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