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发布时间:2018-03-21 09:09

  本文选题:《来华一妇人》 切入点:目的论 出处:《广西师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本文是一篇翻译实践报告,翻译源文本节选自玛丽·冈特(Mary Gaunt)所著的《来华一妇人》(A Woman in China)一书的第十五章至第十七章。本书记录的是作者在民国初期时的中国一系列游览经历,而翻译部分主要讲述了作者在中国承德热河一带的游览经历,拜见热河都统,前往承德避暑山庄以及游览参观热河外八庙等,记载了一路上所见所闻和民风民情,内容多涉及地理民俗、宗教建筑、饮食服饰等多种文化因子,涵盖面广。报告正文一共分为五个部分,即翻译实践的项目介绍、译前准备、翻译理论、案例分析以及翻译心得体会。其中第一章主要对翻译文本来源以及研究目的做简要介绍。第二章分析了文本特点,并详细介绍了笔者查询平行文本的各种渠道和方式。第三章为理论部分,根据文本内容和特点,选择了费米尔的“目的论”为翻译指导原则,力求译文能够展现出原文特点。第四章是本篇报告的主体部分,主要从词汇和句子翻译层面案例分析。在词汇上,笔者从文化的角度进行了分类,并根据具体情况采取了不同的翻译方法,如直译,意译,音译,注译等。在句子上,主要分析了被动句、倒装句、定语从句、连动句和长难句的翻译,使其符合本族语的用语习惯。第五章总结了本次翻译实践的收获与经验,分析了其中存在的问题和不足之处,并指出了今后的努力方向。本篇翻译实践是纪实游记类作品,负载多种文化因子,具有一定难度。笔者以汉斯·费米尔的“目的论”为理论指导,将目的法则、连贯法则、忠实法则投入翻译实践,尽量准确而忠实的传达出原文文本的信息。希望本翻译实践及其报告能够为实现跨文化传播具有一定帮助,为中外学者提供有价值的汉学研究资料。
[Abstract]:This paper is a translation practice report. The source text is excerpted from chapters 15 to 17 of "A Woman in China," by Mary Gundtt. The book chronicled the author's tour of China in the early years of the Republic of China. The translation part mainly describes the author's experience in the Chengde River area, visits the Jehol du Tong, visits Chengde Summer Resort and visits the eight temples outside the River, and records what he has seen and heard along the way and the folk customs. The main body of the report is divided into five parts: project introduction of translation practice, pre-translation preparation, translation theory, etc. The first chapter gives a brief introduction to the source of the translated text and the purpose of the study. The second chapter analyzes the characteristics of the text. The third chapter is the theoretical part. According to the content and characteristics of the text, Fimmel's Skopos Theory is chosen as the guiding principle of translation. Chapter 4th is the main part of this report, mainly from the lexical and sentence translation level case analysis. In terms of vocabulary, the author classifies it from a cultural point of view. Different translation methods are adopted according to the specific circumstances, such as literal translation, free translation, transliteration, annotation translation and so on. In the sentence, it mainly analyzes the translation of passive sentence, inverted sentence, attributive clause, continuous sentence and long difficult sentence. Chapter 5th summarizes the harvest and experience of this translation practice, analyzes its problems and shortcomings, and points out the direction of its future efforts. It is difficult to load a variety of cultural factors. Under the guidance of Hans Fermi's Skopos Theory, the author puts the Skopos, coherence and faithfulness principles into translation practice. It is hoped that the translation practice and its report will be helpful to the realization of cross-cultural communication and provide valuable Sinological research materials for Chinese and foreign scholars.


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