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发布时间:2018-03-21 08:53

  本文选题:顺应论 切入点:译者主体性 出处:《西安理工大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:中国古典文学翻译一直以来都是促进不同国家之间历史文化交流的重要手段之一。中国古典戏曲是中国历史和传统文化的重要组成部分,因此,中国古典戏曲翻译不仅对跨文化交流有着重大的意义,同时也为西方国家全面了解中国历史文化提供了必要的渠道。Jef Verschueren的顺应理论对翻译具有很大的指导作用。它强调语言的使用是一个不断选择的过程,并且在这个过程中,译者具有自主选择权。在翻译过程中,译者的选择受到各种因素的制约,根据这些不同的因素,译者在各个不同层面做出的选择会对译本产生很大的影响。本研究就是在Jef Verschueren顺应理论的指导下,对杨宪益和许渊冲《长生殿》的两个英译本中的译者主体性进行综合对比研究。文章首先从语言结构,文化语境和跨文化交流这三个维度分别研究两个英译本中译者主体性的体现;之后,从顺应论的研究角度对这两个英译本中的译者主体性进行对比分析,以此得出在顺应论视角下两英译本中译者主体性的不同表现。通过对两个英译本的对比研究发现:杨译本和许译本在风格上有很大的差异性。在对文本进行移植的过程中,许渊冲在准确传达意义的基础上,更注重对原文风格的移植,因此,许译本更接近原作,并且更多地体现了中国戏曲的语言特点。然而,杨译本在风格上和原文本具有一定的差距,他的译本更多地体现了自己独特的翻译风格,甚至省略了对一些部分的翻译。但是,杨宪益考虑到了外国读者不同的语言文化环境,对译文中的一些地方做出了脚注,以便读者可以更好的理解译本;最后,总结了在翻译过程中制约译者发挥主体性的因素。本研究为中国典籍翻译提供了一个新的研究方向。它不仅对翻译过程中译者因素的研究有一定的帮助,同时也为翻译过程中涉及到的作者,原文本,译本,赞助者以及读者等其他因素的研究提供了一个新的视角,拓宽了翻译研究的道路,促进了世界的跨文化交流。
[Abstract]:Translation of Chinese classical literature has always been one of the important means to promote the exchange of history and culture among different countries. Chinese classical opera is an important part of Chinese history and traditional culture. The translation of Chinese classical opera is not only of great significance to cross-cultural communication, At the same time, it also provides a necessary channel for the western countries to fully understand Chinese history and culture. Jef Verschueren's adaptation theory plays a great guiding role in translation. It emphasizes that the use of language is a continuous process of choice, and in this process, In the process of translation, the translator's choice is restricted by various factors, according to these different factors. Under the guidance of Jef Verschueren's adaptation theory, the translator's choices at various levels will have a great impact on the translation. This paper makes a comprehensive and contrastive study of the translator's subjectivity in the two English versions of Yang Xianyi and Xu Yuanchong's "Hall of Changsheng". The three dimensions of cultural context and cross-cultural communication respectively study the embodiment of translator's subjectivity in the two English versions, and then make a contrastive analysis of the translator's subjectivity in the two English versions from the perspective of adaptation theory. Through the contrastive study of the two English versions, it is found that there are great differences in style between Yang and Xu versions. Xu Yuanchong paid more attention to the transplantation of the original style on the basis of accurately conveying the meaning. Therefore, the Xu version is closer to the original and more embodies the language characteristics of Chinese opera. However, Yang's version has a certain gap from the original version. His version reflects more of his own unique translation style, and even omits some parts of the translation. However, Yang Xianyi takes into account the different linguistic and cultural environments of foreign readers. Footnotes were made in some parts of the translation so that the reader could better understand the translation; finally, The present study provides a new research direction for the translation of classical books in China. It is not only helpful to the study of translator's factors in the process of translation. At the same time, it provides a new perspective for the study of other factors, such as the author, the original text, the translation, the patron and the reader, which is involved in the process of translation, broadens the way of translation study and promotes the cross-cultural communication in the world.


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