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发布时间:2018-03-21 07:16

  本文选题:精神文明 切入点:英语语言 出处:《福建茶叶》2017年02期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:Tea culture is an important branch of Chinese traditional culture, which has gradually become the representative of our spiritual civilization in the long history. With the spread and development of tea culture, tea culture is gradually combined with the national culture all over the world. In a sense, however, with the acceleration of the globalization process, if China wants to truly move towards the world, it will stand among the nations of the world. You have to spread your culture to the world. In the world language system, English is the most widely used language. It is a wise choice to spread the tea culture of our country to all parts of the world in English. First of all, this paper explains the present situation and reasons of tea culture in the world. On the basis of the analysis of the communication effect of English language on tea culture, the author gives some suggestions on how to spread tea culture in English, hoping that it can help to spread tea culture and cultivate cross-cultural communicative competence.
【作者单位】: 广西职业技术学院基础教学部;


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