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发布时间:2018-05-16 17:54

  本文选题:天然气口译 + 释意论 ; 参考:《成都理工大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:As a major MTI interpreter and translator, we need to gain experience from practice. In order to further improve his professional level, from July 2015 to the end of October 2016, the author worked as an interpreter for nearly one year in the Chuanbei Natural Gas Project, a joint venture between Chevron and PetroChina. Taking the experience of this work as an example, this paper gives a detailed analysis of the problems encountered in the practice of interpreting and the main countermeasures adopted. This practice report mainly includes four parts: interpretation practice task description, translation preparation description, translation problems and countermeasures, and summary. First, the report describes the background information and interpretation requirements. The interpretation task is to perform the interpretation work for the natural gas project in Northeast Sichuan, so the interpreter must have the interpretation ability and quality in the field of oil and gas project. Secondly, the report summarizes the pre-translation preparation of interpreters, including practical and theoretical preparation. Practical preparation includes attending lectures, accent exercises, terminology and simulation exercises. In the stage of theoretical preparation, the author chooses the theory of interpretation as the theoretical support through the study and selection of a series of theories. The core idea of interpretive theory is to pay attention to the meaning in language communication, not to stick to the frame of language itself. The author holds that, unlike translation activities, the most important thing for interpreting activities which are limited by time, environment and on-site reaction is to understand and convey the meaning of communication and dialogue. The third part is the focus of this report. The interpreter expounds the problems encountered in the practice of interpreting in three parts, and analyzes the solutions to each problem one by one. Problems include accent, terminology, translation, etc. The coping strategies used include accumulating background knowledge, summing up rules, comparative analysis, part of speech conversion, and raising cross-cultural awareness. Finally, the report summarizes the achievements and shortcomings in interpreting practice from the aspects of self-evaluation, feedback from clients and colleagues, and puts forward some suggestions for future learning. This interpretation project is my first professional interpretation task, from which the interpreters have learned a lot of professional knowledge and interpretation skills. In addition, the interpreter obtained a new learning perspective from the task and adjusted the learning method in time. The analysis of the practice projects shows that in order to participate in interpreting practice, interpreters should not only have excellent language quality and adequate pre-translation preparation, but also summarize and analyze the problems and countermeasures adopted in interpreting practice. Further improve one's own level of interpretation.


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