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发布时间:2018-05-16 17:58

  本文选题:医学英语 + 核心期刊 ; 参考:《医学争鸣》2017年04期

[Abstract]:The quantitative analysis of medical English research in China from 1996 to 2015 is carried out, and the literature on medical English in the core journals of CNKI is studied in detail. The results show that the research papers on medical English are on the rise, but unstable, with few achievements of high level; The hot topics include the characteristics of medical English vocabulary and grammar, medical English papers, medical English translation and medical English teaching, etc. The fields of medicine and health, linguistics and pedagogy are all concerned about medical English, However, the degree and scope of attention are not the same; the methods of medical English research are mainly quantitative and experiential. The high-level articles of quantitative research are mostly from CSSCI journals of foreign languages; the group of medical English researchers is concentrated, and most of them are English teachers in medical colleges and universities. This article has the enlightenment function to the future medical English development direction.
【作者单位】: 西安外国语大学;
【基金】:陕西省教育科学“十三五”规划课题(SGH16H112) 西安外国语大学校级青年项目(15XWC02)


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