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发布时间:2018-06-03 03:19

  本文选题:企业年报 + 功能对等理论 ; 参考:《天津理工大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The materials selected for this translation study are Siemens Stock Company 2015 Annual report, from Siemens Stock Company official website. This material belongs to the report type text, the style is formal, succinct; the specialized vocabulary is more, involves the finance, the industry and so on specialized vocabulary. The purpose of the annual report is to publish the main business operation and income of the company in this financial year, so that investors and target investors can clearly understand the current operation, major decisions and prospects of the company. This translation practice report is divided into four chapters, the first chapter is a background introduction. This part briefly describes the translation background, significance and the translation of the original text. The second chapter is the preparation for translation. It includes the selection of translation materials, the analysis of language characteristics of translation materials, the search and application of parallel texts, the use of translation aids and the choice of functional equivalence translation theory. The third chapter is the translation process. This chapter is divided into lexical level and syntactic level. This paper introduces lexical translation and translation skills, as well as syntactic translation techniques. Chapter four is the summary of translation experience and the introduction of problems and shortcomings.


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1 ;国际合作奖获得者简介[J];中国科技奖励;2013年06期

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1 崔晓慧;《西门子股份公司2015年度报告》翻译实践报告[D];天津理工大学;2017年




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