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发布时间:2018-06-03 02:06

  本文选题:《翻译的语用学》 + 功能对等 ; 参考:《四川师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The first purpose of this report is to guide target readers to learn and understand foreign language works and to understand the relationship between pragmatics and translation. The other is to use appropriate translation methods, such as CIS and anti translation methods, to understand the seventh chapters in the seventh and eighth chapters of the translation pragmatics. In the process of translating the project, in the process of translating the material, this paper is based on the theoretical basis of functional equivalence proposed by Nida, a famous translation theorist. The key point of this theory is the meaning equivalence and the feedback of the readers. The translation of attributive clauses and long sentences in the original text of the original text is discussed. By translating attributive clauses into Chinese adjectives, juxtaposition sentences and combined sentences, the readers can understand various attributive clauses. Many translation methods, such as CIS, anti translation and resolution, help the author to better solve various kinds of sentences. The intended effect of this article is that the author further understands the translation theory and improves the translation ability through translation practice. In addition, I also hope that the needs of the relevant information in pragmatics can also benefit from the translation of this material.


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