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发布时间:2018-07-27 16:18
[Abstract]:1969, Julia? The term "intertextuality" is proposed by Cristina to denote the relationship between texts. Since then, intertextuality has been widely used in literary texts. With the deepening of its research, many scholars believe that non-literary texts, such as advertising, also have intertextuality. To explore the intertextuality of advertising texts is of great significance to the acceptance and creation of advertisements, which can help the public to better accept and understand the information conveyed by advertisements. However, there are still some limitations in the exploration of advertising texts. Previous scholars mainly focused on the form and function of intertextuality in advertising, but seldom discussed its operation mechanism. Therefore, this paper attempts to further explore how intertextuality is realized in English public service advertisements. Fortunately, memetics provides a new way to solve this problem. In 1976, Dawkins put forward the new theory of memetics based on Darwin's theory of evolution in order to reveal the law of cultural transmission. Memes, he argues, are the basic unit of cultural transmission, following the "survival of the fittest" rule like genes. In a broad sense, any form of information can become a meme, such as proverbs, idioms, popular melodies, etc. According to Chen Tian's explanation of meme and intertextuality, we know that meme is the basis of intertextuality. In view of this, the author tries to explore intertextuality in English public service advertisements from the perspective of memetics. By browsing the Internet and reading many famous magazines and newspapers, such as the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, Fortune and National Geographic, this paper collected 30 typical English public service advertisements as corpus. Its themes include caring for others, energy conservation, environmental protection, water saving and so on. By quoting Professor Xin Bin's classification of intertextuality and qualitative analysis of data, it is found that intertextuality in English public service advertisements is realized by meme. In the process of implementation, the meme is propagated by adopting different intertextuality techniques such as presupposition, genre, citation, allusions and parody. Moreover, in order to achieve intertextuality, advertisers often choose strong memes to win the competition, such as frequent use of well-known celebrities, pop songs, proverbs, historical events, and accepted genres such as narratives. Poems, texts, billboards, etc. In addition, these strong memes are characterized by longevity, prolificacy and fidelity to achieve good intertextuality. This study is helpful to provide some enlightenment for the creation and appreciation of Chinese and English public service advertisements from the perspective of memetics and intertextuality. Advertisers can choose simple, novel and adaptable memes, pay attention to popular culture, and make full use of the advantages of the native language to design public service advertisements. At the same time, this study also helps the public to better understand the intertextuality in English public service advertising.


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