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发布时间:2019-02-09 07:10
【摘要】:语素知识是元语言知识的一种,是对词内在的语素结构的知识以及操纵这种结构的能力,是指通达到词义的关于词的语素结构的知识(Carlisle,1995)。语素知识对词汇、阅读以及拼写有重要影响。以英语为母语的语素知识的研究已经很成熟,国内语素知识的研究仍有不足之处,如以英语为第二语言的学习者其英语语素发展情况如何?本研究调查了国内一所大学大一非英语专业学生英语语素知识的发展现状,探讨了英语语素知识与接受性词汇量、产出性词汇量之间的关系。语素知识分为屈折语素知识、派生语素知识以及复合语素知识。与之前的研究不同的是,本研究的重点是派生语素知识,试图回答以下三个问题:(1)非英语专业大学生派生语素知识整体情况如何?(2)对于英语水平不同的两组学生而言,积极的派生语素知识和消极的派生语素知识两者之间的关系各自如何?(3)对于英语水平不同的两组学生而言,派生语素知识和词汇量两者之间的关系各自如何?本研究采用产出性词汇量表(Productive Vocabulary Levels Test)和接受性词汇量表(Vocabulary Levels Test)测试被试的词汇水平,采用语素结构测试的派生形式任务(Tests of Morphological Structure)测试被试的产出性派生语素知识,以及派生后缀选择测试(Derivational Suffix Choice Test)测试被试的接受性派生语素知识。对数据的采集和分析应用到Excel表和SPSS19.0软件,通过描述性分析、皮尔逊相关分析和回归分析以获得研究结果。研究结果表明,对于英语水平较低的学生而言,产出性派生语素知识与产出行词汇量之间存在高度相关关系,同时,产出性以及接受性派生语素知识都与接受性词汇量存在相关关系。对于英语水平较高的学生而言,接受性派生语素知识与词汇量之间没有关系,仅产出性派生语素知识与产出性词汇量之间存在关系。以上研究发现可能丰富以英语为第二语言的语素知识的相关实证研究,并为非英语专业学生语素知识及词汇发展的教学提供启示。
[Abstract]:Morpheme knowledge is a kind of meta-linguistic knowledge. It is the knowledge of morpheme structure and the ability to manipulate it. It refers to the knowledge of morpheme structure of words (Carlisle,1995). Morpheme knowledge plays an important role in vocabulary, reading and spelling. The study of morpheme knowledge based on native English is very mature, but there are still some deficiencies in the study of morpheme knowledge in China, such as the development of English morpheme in English as a second language learner. This study investigates the development of English morpheme knowledge among non-English major students in a freshman college in China, and discusses the relationship between English morpheme knowledge and receptive vocabulary and productive vocabulary. Morpheme knowledge is divided into flexion morpheme knowledge, derivative morpheme knowledge and compound morpheme knowledge. Unlike previous studies, this study focuses on the knowledge of derived morpheme, This paper tries to answer the following three questions: (1) what is the overall situation of derivative morpheme knowledge of non-English majors? (2) for the two groups of students with different English proficiency, What is the relationship between positive and negative derived morpheme knowledge? (3) for the two groups of students with different English proficiency, what is the relationship between derived morpheme knowledge and vocabulary? In this study, (Productive Vocabulary Levels Test) and (Vocabulary Levels Test) were used to test the lexical level of the subjects, and the derived form of the morpheme structure test was used to test the output derived morpheme knowledge of the subjects by using the derived form of the morpheme structure test (Tests of Morphological Structure). And derivative suffix selection test (Derivational Suffix Choice Test) test subjects' receptive derived morpheme knowledge. The data collection and analysis are applied to Excel tables and SPSS19.0 software. The results are obtained by descriptive analysis Pearson correlation analysis and regression analysis. The results show that there is a high correlation between the productive derived morpheme knowledge and the output line vocabulary for the students with low English proficiency, and at the same time, there is a significant correlation between the output derived morpheme knowledge and the output line vocabulary. Both productive and receptive derived morpheme knowledge are related to receptive vocabulary. For students with high English proficiency, there is no relationship between receptive derived morpheme knowledge and vocabulary, but only a relationship between productive derived morpheme knowledge and productive vocabulary. These findings may enrich the empirical research on morpheme knowledge of English as a second language and provide enlightenment for the teaching of morpheme knowledge and vocabulary development of non-English majors.


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