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发布时间:2019-02-11 14:52
[Abstract]:As a result of the development of science and technology, computer promotes the common development of society and human civilization, and becomes a fast and effective way for people to understand new concepts and new things. With the development of computer, a large number of English words have been produced and enriched. Therefore, it is necessary to identify, understand and use these abstract words to help us master the latest information in the field of computer. Conceptual integration theory was put forward by (Fauconnier) and Turner (Turner) in the 1990's. Conceptual integration theory is based on human cognitive mechanism, through the integration of psychological space to explain the construction of meaning theory. The generation of computer English vocabulary is a series of reactions to human cognitive activities of things. Based on human cognitive activities and taking computer English vocabulary as corpus, the author tries to analyze the meaning construction of computer English vocabulary by conceptual integration theory. On the basis of previous studies, word formation in computer English vocabulary is divided into reconstruction and meaning transformation. Therefore, according to the frequency of computer English vocabulary in data collection, the author divides computer English vocabulary into word formation and word meaning transformation. And the compound word, the word meaning transformation word and the affix word as the research object. The author further uses conceptual integration theory to analyze the meaning construction of computer English vocabulary. Through analysis, it is found that single domain network, double domain network and simple network can be used to study the construction of lexical meaning in computer English, but mirror network is not found to be useful. Conceptual integration theory has a strong explanatory power to construct the meaning of computer English vocabulary, which not only helps us to identify and master complex computer vocabulary, but also helps to broaden the research of conceptual integration theory in other fields.


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