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发布时间:2019-02-12 08:47
[Abstract]:The Qing laws and regulations were the first Chinese legal texts to be translated into English. Based on the translation principles of legal texts, this paper makes an in-depth study of the fidelity and accuracy of the English versions of Staunton's Qing Dynasty and the influence of power discourse on its translation. It is believed that Stang Dong-English translation of the laws and regulations of the Qing Dynasty faithfully reproduces the meaning of the original text, and at the same time, due to the influence of power discourse, the translation also has a certain degree of misinterpretation. The English version of the Qing Dynasty shows the coexistence of faithfulness and mistranslation. First of all, based on the introduction of the English versions of the Qing Dynasty Law and the current situation of the relevant studies on the English versions of the Qing Dynasty laws and regulations at home and abroad, combining with the translation principles and strategies of the legal texts, the thesis analyzes a large number of translation examples in the English versions of the Qing Dynasty laws and regulations. On the one hand, the translation conveys the meaning of laws and regulations in Qing Dynasty on the one hand in terms of vocabulary and sentence. On the other hand, the thesis makes a detailed study of the power discourse that affects the translator's translation activities, and analyzes how discourse power affects the English translation of Staunton through the translation examples in the translation. This proves that there are some improper translation reasons in the English version of Stang. Specifically, this paper makes an analysis of the co-location between the translation faithfulness and discourse power in the English translation of the Qing Law and cases from four aspects: the basic analysis of translation criteria, and the original materials in the English translation of Staddon's English version of the Qing Law and regulations. The study of translation criteria and strategies explores the background factors of ideology such as social, historical and political, and the author himself, as well as the mistranslation of words from the perspective of discourse power. This paper is divided into six parts: the first chapter introduces the background and significance of the research; The second chapter is the literature review, which introduces the English versions of the Qing Dynasty, and the English versions of the Qing laws at home and abroad, and the third chapter analyzes the translation standards and translation strategies of the legal texts. Chapter four first introduces the background of Stendon, and then analyzes and summarizes the selection of the original materials, the translation criteria and the translation methods in the English version of the Qing Dynasty. The fifth chapter analyzes the concrete expression of Stendon's discourse power from three angles: the English translation of the Qing Law and the historical background of discourse power and the translation of some special legal words. Finally, it is concluded that the English version of the Qing Law is a successful translation, which faithfully and accurately conveys the meaning and connotation of the original Chinese law books. However, based on a British loyalty to Britain's hidden sense of cultural hegemony, there is also some improper translation in this English translation. In a word, the English translation of Staunton's laws and regulations of the Qing Dynasty combines the characteristics of faithfulness of translation with the coexistence of power discourse. Although Staunton has some slight rewriting and processing of the Qing laws, it is objectively stated. The English version of the laws and regulations of the Qing Dynasty is still an almost perfect and faithful English translation of Chinese traditional legal books.


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