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发布时间:2019-02-23 23:39
【摘要】:本文以《文化生产场》(The Field of Cultural Production)的部分翻译为例,探讨原文中出现频率较高的名词化结构,旨在根据名词化的认知规律,总结出相应翻译策略。分析翻译案例时,笔者以兰盖克(Ronald W.Langacker)对名词化的认知研究为基础,分析词汇、短语和句子三个层面的名词化转化过程,并根据这三个层面的名词化可得出名词化词汇和词组的特点,将英语和汉语的名词化进行对比,最后从名词化后的名词词汇、名词词组和含名词化结构的句子三个角度来总结相应的翻译策略。在名词化结构认知规律的指导下,本文分析从词汇到句子层面的名词化,并对其结果提出翻译策略。最后,笔者总结出翻译实践中的经验和不足,也希望名词化结构的认知分析继续指导今后的翻译活动。
[Abstract]:Taking the partial translation of "Cultural production Field" (The Field of Cultural Production) as an example, this paper discusses the frequent nominalization structure in the original text, aiming at summing up the corresponding translation strategies according to the cognitive rules of nominalization. On the basis of Ronald W.Langacker 's cognitive research on nominalization, the author analyzes the process of nominalization transformation at three levels: vocabulary, phrase and sentence. According to these three levels of nominalization, we can get the characteristics of nominalization words and phrases, compare the nominalization of English and Chinese, and finally from the noun vocabulary after nominalization. The noun phrase and the sentence with nominalization structure are used to summarize the corresponding translation strategies. Under the guidance of the cognitive law of nominalization, this paper analyzes nominalization from lexical to sentence levels, and proposes translation strategies for the results. Finally, the author summarizes the experiences and shortcomings in translation practice and hopes that cognitive analysis of nominalized structures will continue to guide translation activities in the future.


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