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发布时间:2019-05-13 21:38
[Abstract]:In recent years, chunks teaching method has attracted much attention in recent years. Some scholars associate it with listening, oral and writing learning to explore the role of chunks. Nowadays, translation ability is becoming an indispensable skill for English learners. This can be seen in the setting of CET-4 questions. Therefore, English translation teaching can not only be limited to English majors, but also very important for non-English majors. The purpose of this paper is to improve the translation ability of non-English majors by using lexical chunks. The main problem of this paper is to improve the translation and expression ability of non-English majors by using chunks teaching, so as to make students express authentic, accurate and fluent, especially when they translate paragraphs from Chinese to English. The experiment takes the latest edition of College English published by Shanghai Foreign language Education Press as the teaching material, and takes 80 students in the first year automation class of North China Electric Power University as the research object. The subjects were divided into two groups: control group (n = 40) and experimental group (n = 40). The experiment lasted for one school year, with a total of 124 hours. According to the data analysis, it is found that chunks teaching plays a positive role in improving students' translation ability. The concrete performance is as follows: first, the teaching of chunks evoke students' awareness of learning chunks. To a certain extent, the lexical and grammatical errors in Chinese-English translation are reduced and students' translation ability is improved. Second, from the results of the data, we can see that the more chunks used by the middle school students, the more accurate and fluent the students' translation is, and the higher their grades are. Thirdly, chunks teaching method can make students feel that they have gained something and have a sense of achievement, which is in line with the learning characteristics of college students and has good applicability in college English translation teaching. Due to the limitations of objective conditions, this study also has some limitations, such as the coverage of the experiment is small, sometimes it is difficult to control the learning status of all students, and so on. In view of this, this paper puts forward some suggestions for the follow-up study.


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