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发布时间:2019-05-15 09:13
[Abstract]:With the emergence of "Internet", all kinds of industries have undergone earth-shaking changes. "Internet education" has become a development trend, which has brought new opportunities and challenges to college English teaching and learning. Through the online English learning platform to carry on the teaching and the study, uses the data mining technology to carry on the analysis to the student study data and establishes the related model, explores the correlation between the English examination and each element. It is of great value to students' learning and teachers' teaching. The author has carried on the thorough research to this. This paper first describes the research status of data mining and college English teaching at home and abroad, and puts forward the research contents and methods of this topic. Secondly, the theoretical basis of this study is introduced, and the function, process and common machine learning model of data mining are introduced. Finally, the undergraduate students of Beijing University of posts and Telecommunications use the data generated by the college English teaching and evaluation system to construct and analyze the portraits of the students. Through the user portraits, we can understand the relevant attributes and learning habits of the students. It also provides the basis for the later experimental design. The logical regression model, enhanced decision tree model and the fusion model of the two models are used to predict the students' passing results, and the factors that affect the students' passing the examination are analyzed according to the predicted results. It is hoped that through this study, it can provide valuable reference for college English teaching and learning, and help teachers and students to have targeted teaching and learning.


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