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发布时间:2019-05-15 12:17
[Abstract]:In the course of language acquisition, the emergence of errors is a very common phenomenon and is inevitable. At present, in the CET-4 test, the oral test is added, and more and more schools begin to attach importance to the oral English teaching of the students, and the oral error correction feedback in the English class is essential, and the feedback of the teachers plays a very important role in the English class. It is not only one of the tools of the teacher's implementation of the teaching plan, but also an important source of the students' input to the target language, but also the main way to improve the output accuracy of the students' oral language. Therefore, how to correct the error will directly affect the teaching effect of the teacher and the learning effect of the students. With the introduction of the new curriculum reform, many new educational ideas have been put forward, and the core is the "to be a student-based". Therefore, on the basis of understanding the preferences and needs of the students for error correction feedback, various feedback strategies can be used to achieve the result with less effort. However, the existing literature shows that most of the research on the demand and preference of the students' oral English error correction is to take the students as a whole, and neglect the individual differences among the students, and the research objects are mostly low-grade students. In order to further understand the preference of the students of different groups to the teacher's oral error correction, this paper mainly investigates the following three aspects: (1) what is the overall attitude and preference of the students to the teacher's error correction feedback? (2) What attitude and preference are the students with different learning motivation to the teacher's error correction feedback? (3) What attitude and preference are the students of different academic levels to the teacher's error correction feedback? This study investigates the attitude and preference of the students with different learning motivation and academic level to the oral error correction feedback of the teachers by using the method of combining the quantitative and the qualitative method with the two students of the non-English major in the 300 Northwestern Agricultural University of Science and Technology. The quantitative study is based on the questionnaire. The questionnaire is divided into two parts: the college students' learning motivation scale adopts Atabile, Hill, Hennessey and Tighe, and the students' learning motivation scale is revised by Chi-Liping and Xin-self-improvement; the second part mainly refers to the questionnaire of the students' oral error feedback in the English class by Li Jian (2012). Qualitative research mainly adopts the method of interview. After the questionnaire,12 students were randomly selected to be tested and interviewed. The results show that: (1) The students of different groups have positive attitude to the necessity of the teacher's oral error correction. And most of the students think that there should be a mistake, and some students think that too much error correction will strike the initiative of learning. (2) For the content of error correction, the students of different groups want the teacher to correct the syntax error more so as to improve the accuracy of the language. In addition, high-level students are of the view that the expression of an error should also be often corrected, while low-level students believe that it should be often corrected. (3) For the timing of error correction, most of the students agree with the teacher's delayed error correction, that is, error correction after they are finished. The students with strong learning motivation have positive attitude to the real-time error correction. (4) In the way of error correction, most of the students agree with the way in which the teachers use the form of consultation, so that they can give them the chance of self-correction under the guidance of the teacher, so as to avoid the embarrassment of the students. The students with higher learning motivation want the teacher to make clear error correction to the grammar and the vocabulary errors so as to master the correct form directly; the students with lower learning level do not like the teachers to use the recasting method to correct the errors. Based on the results of the research, in order to improve the effect of error correction feedback, this study puts forward three suggestions for English teaching: (1) to strengthen the learning of error theory and to improve the feedback consciousness of error correction; (2) to pay attention to individual differences and to focus on the teaching of the materials; and (3) to reflect on the teaching practice and to strengthen the exchange cooperation. In a word, when the teacher carries out error correction feedback in English teaching, it is not only to take into account the characteristics of the error and the effect of error correction, but also to consider the students' academic level, age, character and other factors, and comprehensively select the best mode of error correction and feedback, so as to improve the learning effect of the students.


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