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发布时间:2020-11-02 22:01
Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Background of the study
    1.2 Purpose of the study
    1.3 Significance of the study
    1.4 Structure of the study
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 The relevant introduction on the same level fusion feedback
        2.1.1 Definition of feedback
        2.1.2 Introduction of the same level fusion feedback
    2.2 Theoretical basis of the same level fusion feedback
        2.2.1 The theory of the process writing
        2.2.2 Cooperative learning theory
        2.2.3 Vygotsky’s zone of proximal development
        2.2.4 Metacognitive theory
    2.3 Studies on learning autonomy
        2.3.1 The definition of learner autonomy
        2.3.2 The connection of learning autonomy with same level fusion feedback
    2.4 Previous researches on the same level fusion feedback abroad and at home
        2.4.1 Overseas researches on same level fusion feedback
        2.4.2 Domestic researches on same level fusion feedback
    2.5 Summary
Chapter Three Research Methodology
    3.1 Research questions
    3.2 Research participants
    3.3 Research instruments
        3.3.1 Questionnaires
        3.3.2 Tests
        3.3.3 Interview
        3.3.4 Criteria of feedback
        3.3.5 SPSS
    3.4 Research design
        3.4.1 Grouping
        3.4.2 Pre-training and practicing
        3.4.3 Feedback checklist
        3.4.4 Questionnaire
        3.4.5 Interview
    3.5 Teaching procedure
        3.5.1 Pre-test
        3.5.2 Experimental stage
        3.5.3 Teaching Sample in EC
        3.5.4 Teaching Sample in CC
        3.5.5 Post-test
    3.6 Data collection
Chapter Four Results and Discussions
    4.1 Analysis of the questionnaires
        4.1.1 Analysis of the questionnaire of learner autonomy
        4.1.2 Analysis of the questionnaire of attitude towards writing
    4.2 Data analysis and discussion of the test results
        4.2.1 The comparison between CC and EC in the pre-test
        4.2.2 The comparison between CC and EC in the post-test
        4.2.3 Comparison between the pre-test and post-test of CC
        4.2.4 Comparison between the pre-test and post-test of EC
    4.3 Analysis of interviews
    4.4 Discussion
Chapter Five Conclusion
    5.1 Major findings
    5.2 Pedagogical implications
    5.3 Limitations of the research
    5.4 Suggestions for further research
Appendix I: Questionnaire on students’ learner autonomy (Chinese Version)
Appendix II: Questionnaire on attitude towards English writing (English Version)
Appendix III: Questionnaire on attitude towards English writing (Chinese Version)
Appendix IV: Pre-test and post-test paper
Appendix V: The standard for college entrance examination of English writing
Appendix VI: Questions of interview
Appendix VII: Criteria of feedback
Appendix VIII: Feedback checklist
Appendix IX: Writing scores
Appendix X: Raw data of pre-questionnaire of learner autonomy in CC
Appendix XI: Raw data of pre-questionnaire of learner autonomy in EC
Appendix XII: Raw data of post-questionnaire of learner autonomy in EC
Appendix XIII: Raw data of pre-questionnaire of attitude in EC
Appendix XIV: Raw data of pre-questionnaire of attitude in CC
Appendix XV: Raw data of post-questionnaire of attitude in EC
The list of the research papers published by the author


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