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发布时间:2020-12-24 03:48

【文章来源】:华中师范大学湖北省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校

【文章页数】:61 页


1. Introduction
    1.1 Background to the research
    1.2 Purpose and significance of research
        1.2.1 Theoretical significance
        1.2.2 Practical significance
    1.3 Layout of the thesis
2. Literature Review
    2.1 Definition of key concepts
        2.1.1 Definition of EFL teachers' beliefs
        2.1.2 Definition of mentorship
    2.2 Research on preservice EFL teachers' beliefs
        2.2.1 Preservice EFL teachers' beliefs shaping and reshaping
        2.2.2 Conditions and types of preservice EFL teachers' beliefs shaping andreshaping
        2.2.3 Factors shaping and reshaping EFL teachers' beliefs
    2.3 Research on mentorship
        2.3.1 Components of good mentorship
        2.3.2 Types of mentorship
        2.3.3 Factors influencing mentorship
    2.4 Role of mentorship in shaping preservice teachers' beliefs
    2.5 Summary of previous research
3. Research Design
    3.1 Research questions
    3.2 Research methodology
        3.2.1 Narrative inquiry
        3.2.2 Case study
    3.3 Research context and participants
    3.4 Research instruments
        3.4.1 Semi-structured interview
        3.4.2 Reflective journals
        3.4.3 Practicum portfolio
    3.5 Data collection and analysis
        3.5.1 Data collection
        3.5.2 Data analysis
4. Research Results
    4.1 The story of Lewis
        4.1.1 "She (mentor) always trusts and cares about me"——characteristics ofmentorship from Lewis' perspective
        4.1.2 "The source of my newly-shaped beliefs was not only derived from thementorship."——role of mentorship in shaping Lewis' beliefs
    4.2 The story of Wendy
        4.2.1 "The mentorship is doomed not to be like the relationship betweenfriends"——characteristics of mentorship from Wendy's perspective
        4.2.2 "I don't think that spending two months with my mentor will havemuch impact on my beliefs" role of mentorship in shaping Wendy'sbeliefs
    4.3 The story of Amy
        4.3.1 "At most times, she (mentor) is more like a friend ofmine."——characteristics of mentorship from Amy's perspective
        4.3.2 "She (mentor) brought me some new insights in my perception towardthis career." role of mentorship in shaping Amy's beliefs
5. Discussion
    5.1 Characteristics of mentorship: supportive, laissez-faire and collaborative
    5.2 Reshaping preservice EFL teachers' beliefs:conditions and classifications
    5.3 Preservice teachers' perceptions of the role played by mentorship in shapingtheir beliefs:resilience and maintenance
6. Conclusion
    6.1 Summary of findings
    6.2 Implications
    6.3 Limitations

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