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发布时间:2021-03-09 02:20
  随着科学技术的迅猛发展和全球经济一体化步伐的加快,各国之间的交流日益密切。科技是一个国家的核心竞争力,而英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言,因此科技英语翻译的重要性日益凸显。本报告原文选自The Material World《物质世界》一书,主要关于材料的性能和结构之间的关系以及材料的导电性和绝缘性和电子运动之间的关系。材料学的应用涉及到生活和生产的各个方面,对一个国家的经济、科技和国防实力起着重要作用。因此翻译这方面的著作意义重大,不仅能够帮助我们了解国外的先进成果,而且还能加深国内对材料学的认识。关联理论认为,“翻译是一种两轮明示一推理的交际活动。第一轮涉及原作者和译者,第二轮涉及译者和译语读者”。译者在关联理论的指导下,根据原文语言刺激和语境信息推理原文作者的交际意图,并考虑目的读者的语境信息,决定阐释什么和如何阐释,并采用恰当的翻译策略。本文试图探索科技英语翻译中体现的关联理论思想以及关联理论对科技英语翻译的解释和指导作用。该实践报告共分为五章。第一章主要说明翻译任务的背景、要求和目标。第二章详细阐述整个翻译过程,包括分析原文、译前准备、正式翻译、译后译文评估。第三章介绍关联理论的基... 


【文章页数】:119 页


Chapter 1 Introduction
    1.1 Background of the Translation Task
    1.2 Requirements of the Translation Task
    1.3 Objectives of the Translation Report
Chapter 2 Description of the Translation Process
    2.1 Analysis of the Source Text
        2.1.1 Introduction to the Source Text
        2.1.2 Linguistic Features of the Source Text
    2.2 Preparations for Translation
        2.2.1 Translation Tools
        2.2.2 Translation Strategies
        2.2.3 Translation Plan
    2.3 Formal Translation
    2.4 Measures Taken after Translation
        2.4.1 Quality Control of the Target Text
        2.4.2 Evaluation from the Customers
Chapter 3 Theoretical Basis
    3.1 Brief Introduction to Relevance Theory
        3.1.1 Definition and Principles of Relevance
        3.1.2 Optimal Relevance
        3.1.3 Ostensive-Inferential Communication
    3.2 Overview of Relevance Theory
        3.2.1 Overview of the Relevance Theory at Home and Abroad
        3.2.2 Overview of the Application of Relevance Theory in EST Translation
Chapter 4 Case Study Under the Guidance of Relevance Theory
    4.1 Translation at the Lexical Level
        4.1.1 Translation of Technical Terms
        4.1.2 Translation of Sub-Technical Terms
        4.1.3 Translation of Non-Technical Words
    4.2 Translation at the Syntactic Level
        4.2.1 Translation of Sentences of Rhetoric Devices
        4.2.2 Translation of Passive Sentences
        4.2.3 Translation of Cleft Sentences
        4.2.4 Translation of Long and complex Sentences
    4.3 Translation at the Textual Level
        4.3.1 Translation of Pronouns
        4.3.2 Translation of Conjunctions
Chapter 5 Conclusion
    5.1 Findings and Benefits in the Translation Process
    5.2 Limitations
    5.3 Suggestions for Research and Practice
Appendix Ⅰ Term Base
Appendix Ⅱ Source and Target Texts
Published Academic Papers




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