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发布时间:2021-04-12 07:57


【文章页数】:87 页


Chapter 1 Introduction
    1.1 Research Background
    1.2 Research Objectives
    1.3 Research Significance
Chapter 2 Literature Review
    2.1 Theoretical Basis
    2.2 Definition
        2.2.1 Students of Low Proficiency
        2.2.2 Students with English Learning Difficulties
    2.3 Foreign Research
        2.3.1 Definition of Students with Learning Difficulties
        2.3.2 Attribution of Students with Learning Difficulties
        2.3.3 Transformation Strategies for Students with Learning Difficulties
    2.4 Domestic Research
        2.4.1 Definition of Students with Learning Difficulties
        2.4.2 Attribution of Students with Learning Difficulties
        2.4.3 Transformation Strategies for Students with Learning Difficulties
    2.5 Summary
Chapter 3 Research Methods
    3.1 Research Objectives
    3.2 Research Objects
    3.3 Research Tools and Methods
        3.3.1 Questionnaire Survey
        3.3.2 Interview Method
        3.3.3 Classroom Observation Method
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion
    4.1 Analysis of Questionnaire Survey Results
        4.1.1 Data Analysis Results
        4.1.2 Modeling Analysis under the Standard GLM Framework
        4.1.3 Results of Multivariate Analysis of Variance Model
        4.1.4 Modeling Analysis under the Framework of Multi-level Model
        4.1.5 Conclusion of Data Analysis
    4.2 Analysis of Interview Results
    4.3 Causes of Students with English Learning Difficulties in Junior Middle School
        4.3.1 Capability
        4.3.2 Effort
        4.3.3 Tasks
        4.3.4 Physical and Mental Conditions
        4.3.5 Teachers
        4.3.6 Family
Chapter 5 Transformation Strategies
    5.1 Guidance of Students’ Correct Attribution and Stimulation of their Learning Motivation
        5.1.1 Affirmation of Students’ Learning Ability and Establishment of their LearningConfidence
        5.1.2 Setting Reasonable Learning Objectives and Paying Attention to the Process ofEffort
        5.1.3 Strengthening Controllable Attribution and Improving Learning Expectation
    5.2 Construction of the Scientific Learning Methods and Improvement of the LearningEfficiency
        5.2.1 Consolidation of the Vocabulary Foundation
        5.2.2 Construction of the Knowledge Framework
        5.2.3 Enhancement of the Oral Expression
    5.3 Respectation of the Students’ Subject Status and Harmonization of the RelationshipBetween Teachers and Student
        5.3.1 Encouraging and Caring for students
        5.3.2 Equal Treatment of Students
        5.3.3 Trusting Students
    5.4 Changing Educational Concepts and Adopting Diversified Evaluation Methods
        5.4.1 Diversification of Evaluation Subjects
        5.4.2 Dynamic Evaluation Process
        5.4.3 Diversified Evaluation Methods
    5.5 Optimization of Teaching Methods and Implementation of Multi-dimensional TeachingStrategies
        5.5.1 Multi-modal Situational Teaching
        5.5.2 Cooperative Exploratory Teaching
        5.5.3 Differentiated and Stratified Teaching
    5.6 Reinforcement of the Linkage Between Home and School, Union of the Educational Forcesfrom Various Aspects
        5.6.1 Using Social Media and Promoting Home-school Cooperation
        5.6.2 Helping Parents Form Correct Educational Concepts
        5.6.3 Encouraging Parents to Create a Good Family Atmosphere
Chapter 6 Conclusion
    6.1 Major Findings
    6.2 Limitations of the Research
    6.3 Prospect of Future Research
Appendix Ⅰ: Questionnaires for Teachers and Students
Appendix Ⅱ: Interview Outline for Teachers and Students

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