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发布时间:2021-05-10 05:51


【文章页数】:82 页


1 Introduction
    1.1 Research Background
    1.2 Significance of the Research
    1.3 Definition of Minnan
    1.4 Structure of the Thesis
2 Literature Review
    2.1 Relevant Studies on the C-E Translation of Food and Snack Names
    2.2 Relevant Studies on the C-E Translation of Food and Snack Names from the Perspective of Skopos Theory
3 Theoretical Structure
    3.1 Development of Skopos Theory
    3.2 Three Rule of Skopos Theory
    3.3 Advantage of Skopos Theory
4 Data Analysis and Enlightenment
    4.1 Naming Methods of Minnan Snacks
        4.1.1 Direct Naming Methods
        4.1.2 Indirect Naming Methods
    4.2 Problems in the Collected Data
    4.3 Common Snacks with Similarity
        4.3.1 Noodles
        4.3.2 Kuei
5 Suggested Translation Strategies for Minnan Snacks
    5.1.Literal Translation..Based on Skopos Rule to Increase the Sales of Minnan Snacks
        5.1.1 Names with Ingredients
        5.1.2 Names with Cooking Methods
        5.1.3 Names with Tastes and Flavors
        5.1.4 Names with Shapes
    5.2 Free Translation..Based on Coherence Rule to Achieve Acceptability for Target Readers
        5.2.1 Names with Ingredients
        5.2.2 Names with Flavors
        5.2.3 Names with Shapes
        5.2.4 Names with Utensils
        5.2.5 Names with Cooking Methods
        5.2.6 Names with Allusions
        5.2.7 Names with Traditions
    5.3 Transliteration–Based on Fidelity Rule to Publicize Minnan Snack Culture
    5.4 Combination of Translation Strategies
        5.4.1 Literal Translation Plus Free Translation--Based on Skopos Rule and Coherence Rule to Boost the Sales and to Achieve Target Readers’Acceptability
   Names with Ingredients
   Names with Utensils
   Names with Cooking Methods
   Names with Allusions
   Names with Local Dialect
   Names with Traditions
        5.4.2 Mandarin Transliteration Plus Literal Translation..Based on Fidelity Rule and Skopos Rule to Promote Culture and to Increase Sales
   Names Beginning with the Place of Origin
   Names with Ingredients or Discomfort-related Names
        5.4.3 Mandarin Transliteration Plus Free Translation..Based on Fidelity Rule and Coherence Rule to Spread Minnan Culture and to Achieve Acceptability for Target Readers
        5.4.4 Minnan Dialect Transliteration Plus Literal Translation
   Names with Utensils
   Names with Cooking Methods
        5.4.5 Minnan Dialect Transliteration Plus Free Translation
   Names with Ingredients
   Names with Allusions
   Names with Local Dialect
6 Conclusion
    6.1 Major Findings
    6.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Study




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