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发布时间:2021-05-10 15:22
  汉英双语者所具有的特点之一,便是其文化认同和文化适应受中西文化、汉英双语的影响。而这种影响是如何产生的是一直以来学者们争议的话题。这种争议源于探究双文化和双语言个体的文化适应方式,即双文化和双语言个体采用的是单维度、双维度还是动态的文化适应方式。单维模型认为,双文化和双语言个体在适应及同化第二文化时会疏远本国文化。与单维度模型不同,双维度模型则认为双文化、双语个体既可以维持本国文化,也能进行第二文化适应。近年来,洪等(Hong et al,2000)从社会认知的角度提出了文化的动态建构理论,该理论认为,文化适应可看作是更加积极主动的动态过程。内化了多种文化的双文化和双语言个体具有有效地控制两种文化,根据不同文化线索改变文化框架并做出相应反应的灵活性。当然个体对第二文化的适应过程可能比我们所想象的更复杂,学者们对双文化和双语言个体的文化适应也存在颇多争议,因此需要更多实证研究来验证双文化和双语言个体的文化适应模式。为了探究汉英双语者的文化适应情况,伊斯拉米&杨(Eslami&Yang,2018)对比汉英双语者分别在中文“人人”社交网站和英文社交网站“脸书(Facebook... 

【文章来源】:兰州大学甘肃省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校

【文章页数】:121 页


List of Abbreviations
Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Background of the study
    1.2 Purpose of the study
    1.3 Significance of this study
        1.3.1 Most related study
        1.3.2 Insufficiencies of the most related study
        1.3.3 Research significance
    1.4 Organization of the present study
Chapter Two Theoretical background
    2.1 Speech act theory
        2.1.1 Austin’s speech act theory
        2.1.2 Searle’s speech act theory
    2.2 Politeness theory
        2.2.1 Leech’s politeness theory
        2.2.2 Brown and Levinson’s politeness theory
        2.2.3 Gu’s politeness theory
    2.3 Cross-cultural and Intercultural communication of bilinguals
        2.3.1 Pragmatic transfer theory
        2.3.2 Speech accommodation theory
        2.3.3 Linguistic adaptation theory
        2.3.4 Acculturation theory
    2.4 Gender differences theory
Chapter Three Literature review
    3.1 Studies of compliment responses
        3.1.1 Definition of compliment responses
        3.1.2 Research methods of previous studies
        3.1.3 Taxonomy of compliment response strategies
    3.2 Studies of bilinguals’compliment responses from cross-culture and inter-culture perspectives
        3.2.1 Comparative studies from cross-culture and inter-culture perspectives
        3.2.2 Studies of bilinguals’compliment responses
    3.3 Studies of compliment responses concerning gender
Chapter Four Methodology
    4.1 Research questions
    4.2 Assistants and participants
        4.2.1 Assistants
        4.2.2 Participants
    4.3 Instruments
    4.4 Design
        4.4.1 Control of variables
        4.4.2 Design of instruction
    4.5 Procedures
        4.5.1 Pilot study
        4.5.2 Semi-natural collection
        4.5.3 Data analysis
Chapter Five Results
    5.1 Characteristics of female Chinese-English bilinguals’compliment responses
    5.2 Effects of complimenting language on the strategies in compliment responses
    5.3 Language choice in compliment responses
    5.4 Effects of complimenter’s gender on the strategies
Chapter Six Discussion
    6.1 Characteristics of female Chinese-English bilinguals’compliment responses
    6.2 Effects of complimenting language on the strategies in compliment responses
    6.3 Language choice in compliment responses
    6.4 Effects of complimenter’s gender on the strategies in compliment responses
Chapter Seven Conclusion
    7.1 Main findings
    7.2 Limitations and suggestions for future research
Publications of the Author

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