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发布时间:2021-10-11 09:49


【文章页数】:71 页


Chapter1 Introduction
    1.1 Background of the Study
    1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study
    1.3 Layout of the Thesis
Chapter2 Literature Review
    2.1 Concept of Learned Helplessness
        2.1.1 Learned Helplessness on Dogs
        2.1.2 Learned Helplessness on Human Being
    2.2 Generation Mechanism of Learned Helplessness
        2.2.1 The Behavior Controlled Theory of Learned Helplessness
        2.2.2 The Attribution Theory of Learned Helplessness
        2.2.3 The Cognitive Theory of Learned Helplessness
        2.2.4 The Goal Theory of Learned Helplessness
    2.3 Previous Studies of Learned Helplessness
        2.3.1 Previous Studies on Learned Helplessness Abroad
        2.3.2 Previous Studies on Learned Helplessness at Home
        2.3.3 Measuring Instruments for Learned Helplessness
    2.4 Concept and Development of Attribution
        2.4.1 Concept of Attribution
        2.4.2 Development of Attribution Theory
   Fritz Heider’s Attribution Theory
   Rotter’s Attribution Theory
   Weiner’s Attribution Theory
    2.5 Previous Studies on Attribution
        2.5.1 Previous Studies on Attribution Abroad
        2.5.2 Previous Studies on Attribution at Home
Chapter3 Methodology
    3.1 Research Questions
    3.2 Research Participants
    3.3 Research Instruments
        3.3.1 Learned Helplessness Scale
        3.3.2 Attribution Scale
        3.3.3 Interview
        3.3.4 Tests
    3.4 Research Procedures
        3.4.1 Data Collection
        3.4.2 Data Analysis
Chapter4 Results Discussion
    4.1 Status Quo of Learned Helplessness
        4.1.1 The Overall Characteristics of Learned Helplessness
        4.1.2 Detailed Analysis of the Four Dimension
    4.2 Status Quo of Attribution
        4.2.1 The Overall Characteristics of Attribution
        4.2.2 Detailed Analysis of the Attribution on Success and Failure in English Learning
    4.3 Relationship among Learned Helplessness,Attribution and Academic Achievement
        4.3.1 Relationship between Learned Helplessness and Academic Achievement
        4.3.2 Relationship between Attribution and Academic Achievement
        4.3.3 Relationship between Learned Helplessness and Attribution
    4.4 Discussion about Semi-structured Interview
        4.4.1 Participants of the semi-structured Interview
        4.4.2 Results of the semi-structured Interviews
Chapter5 Conclusion
    5.1 Major Findings of the Study
    5.2 Pedagogical Implications of the Study
    5.3 Limitations and Further Suggestions

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