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发布时间:2021-11-14 19:37


【文章页数】:98 页


Chapter1 Introduction
    1.1 Research Background
    1.2 Research significance and purpose
        1.2.1 Research significance
        1.2.2 Research purpose
    1.3 The framework of the thesis
Chapter2 Literature Review
    2.1 Lexical chunks
        2.1.1 The definition and classification of lexical chunks
        2.1.2 The functions of lexical chunks
        2.1.3 The relationship between lexical chunks and English reading
    2.2 Mind mapping
        2.2.1 The definition and features of mind mapping
        2.2.2 The relationship between mind mapping and English readingteaching
    2.3 Research on lexical chunks and mind mapping
        2.3.1 Research on lexical chunks
        2.3.2 Research on mind mapping
    2.4 The relationship between lexical chunks and mind mapping in reading
    2.5 Research gap
Chapter3 Theoretical Basis
    3.1 Michael Lewis’lexical approach
    3.2 Schema theory
    3.3 Constructivisim theory
Chapter4 Experimental Design and Implementation
    4.1 Experimental design
        4.1.1 Experimental contents and assumptions
        4.1.2 Experimental purpose
        4.1.3 Experimental participants
        4.1.4 Experimental materials
        4.1.5 Experimental tools
        4.1.6 Experimental variables
        4.1.7 Experimental procedure
    4.2 Instructional procedure in EC
        4.2.1 Preparation for the application of mind mapping
        4.2.2 Preparation for the application of lexical chunks
        4.2.3Application of mind mapping combined with lexical chunks toreading teaching
    4.3 Instructional procedure in CC
Chapter5 Data Analysis and Discussion
    5.1 Data analysis of questionnaires
        5.1.1 Data analysis of the pre-questionnaire in EC and CC
        5.1.2 Data analysis of the post-questionnaire in EC and CC
        5.1.3 Data analysis of the pre-questionnaire and post-questionnaire inEC
    5.2 Data analysis of reading tests
        5.2.1 Data analysis of of the pre-test in EC and CC
        5.2.2 Data analysis of the post-test in EC and CC
        5.2.3 Data analysis of the pre-test and post-test in EC
    5.3 Analysis of mind mapping combined with lexical chunks designed bystudents in EC
        5.3.1 Analysis of the initial phase
        5.3.2 Analysis of the later phase
    5.4 Discussion
        5.4.1 Horizontal comparison
        5.4.2 Vertical comparison
Chapter6 Conclusion
    6.1 Research findings
    6.2 Pedagogical implications
    6.3 Research limitations
    6.4 Research prospect
Appendix1 Questionnaire
Appendix2 Pre-test
Appendix3 Post-test
Appendix4 The result of pre-questionnaire in EC
Appendix5 The result of pre-questionnaire in CC
Appendix6 The result of post-questionnaire in EC
Appendix7 The result of post-questionnaire in CC
Appendix8 The result of pre-test and post-test between EC and CC

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[7]词块教学法在高职英语阅读教学中的应用分析[J]. 张连春.  西部素质教育. 2018(09)
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