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发布时间:2021-12-24 17:15


【文章页数】:95 页


Chapter 1 Introduction
    1.1 Background of the Study
    1.2 Purpose of the Study
    1.3 Significance of the Study
        1.3.1 Theoretical Significance
        1.3.2 Practical Significance
    1.4 Structure of the Thesis
Chapter 2 Literature Review
    2.1 Shadowing Exercise
        2.1.1 Definition of Shadowing Exercise
        2.1.2 Features of Shadowing Exercise
    2.2 Functions and Necessities of Shadowing Exercise to Improve Listening Skills
        2.2.1 Functions of Carrying out the Shadowing Exercise in Listening Education
        2.2.2 Necessity of Carrying out the Shadowing Exercise in Listening Education
    2.3 Theoretical Basis of Shadowing Exercise
        2.3.1 Working Memory
        2.3.2 Schema Theory
    2.4 Previous Studies on Shadowing Exercise Abroad and at Home
        2.4.1 Previous Studies on Shadowing Exercise Abroad
        2.4.2 Previous Studies on Shadowing Exercise at Home
    2.5 Summary of Studies on Shadowing Exercise at Home and Abroad
Chapter 3 Research Design
    3.1 Research Questions
    3.2 Research Subjects
    3.3 Research Instruments
    3.4 Procedures of the Study
        3.4.1 Pre-experimental Stage
        3.4.2 Experimental Stage
        3.4.3 Post-experimental Stage
    3.5 Data Collection and Data Analysis
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion
    4.1 Results and Discussion on whether shadowing exercise teaching method can improve students’listening ability
        4.1.1 Results of the Pre-test
        4.1.2 Results of the Post-test
        4.1.3 A Comparison between Results of the Pre-test and the Post-test
        4.1.4 Discussion of whether shadowing exercise teaching method can improve students’listening ability
    4.2 Results and Discussion on which one is more effective to improve students’listening ability,the pre-shadowing or the post-shadowing
        4.2.1 The Independent Samples Test Comparison of Class One(CC)between the Pre-test and Post-test
        4.2.2 The Independent Samples Test Comparison of Class Two(EC1)between the Pre-test and Post-test
        4.2.3 The Independent Samples Test Comparison of Class Three(EC2)between the Pre-test and Post-test
        4.2.4 Discussion on which one is more effective to improve students’listening ability,the pre-shadowing or the post-shadowing
    4.3 Results and Discussion on which group can improve more,the low group or the high group
        4.3.1 The Paired Samples Test of Low Group in Class Two
        4.3.2 The Paired Samples Test of High Group in Class Two
        4.3.3 The Paired Samples Test of Low Group in Class Three
        4.3.4 The Paired Samples Test of High Group in Class Three
        4.3.5 Discussion on which group can improve more,the low group or the high group
Chapter 5 Conclusion
    5.1 Major Findings
    5.2 Implications for Primary English listening Teaching
    5.3 Limitations of the Research
    5.4 Suggestions for Future Research
Appendix 1 Pre-test
Appendix 2 Post-test

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