发布时间:2022-02-20 02:57
随着以学习者为中心的教学理念的盛行,越来越多的研究者开始关注学习过程中的个体差异的重要性,例如,情感因素及元认知因素。其中,元认知意识和焦虑是两个重要的影响因素。研究表明:听力元认知意识和听力焦虑分别与听力水平具有相关性。然而关于听力元认知意识,听力焦虑与听力水平的关系研究很少。国内外研究对象集中于大学生群体,国内对于高中学生的研究相对匮乏。本文旨在探究高中学生听力元认知意识、听力焦虑和听力水平的关系。具体地说,本文从三个方面对该问题做出了回答:高中学生的听力元认知意识,听力焦虑和听力水平有何关系;听力高水平组与低水平组在听力元认知意识上有何差异;听力高水平组与低水平组在听力焦虑上有何差异。参加本研究的292名被试是来自河北省邯郸市三所普通中学的高中二年级的学生。采用三种研究工具:Vandergrift et al.(2006)的听力元认知意识问卷,Elkhafaifi(2005)的外语听力焦虑量表和英语听力理解成绩。本研究运用SPSS 19.0对数据进行分析,通过皮尔逊相关分析第一个研究问题,通过独立样本T检验分析第二、三个研究问题。研究结果如下:(1)高中学生的总体听力元认知意识及...
【文章页数】:81 页
Chapter1 Introduction
1.1 Research background
1.2 Research purpose and significance
1.3 The structure of the thesis
Chapter2 Literature review
2.1 Relevant studies
2.1.1 Relevant studies on the relationship between MAL and LP
2.1.2 Relevant studies on the relationship between FLLA and LP
2.1.3 Relevant studies on the relationship between MAL and FLLA
2.2 Theoretical foundation
2.2.1 Metacognition theory
2.2.2 Krashen’s affective filter hypothesis
Chapter3 Research methodology
3.1 Research questions
3.2 Research subjects
3.3 Research instruments
3.3.1 Metacognitive Awareness Listening Questionnaire
3.3.2 Foreign Language Listening Anxiety Scale
3.3.3 Listening test
3.4 Research procedures
Chapter4 Results and discussions
4.1 Correlations among MAL,FLLA and LP
4.1.1 Correlations between students’MAL and LP
4.1.2 Correlations between students’FLLA and LP
4.1.3 Correlations between students’MAL and FLLA
4.2 Differences between high proficiency group and low proficiency group in MAL and its five factors
4.3 Differences between high proficiency group and low proficiency group in FLLA and its three factors
Chapter5 Conclusion
5.1 Major findings of the study
5.2 Implications of the study
5.3 Limitations of the study
5.4 Suggestions for future study
AppendixⅠ 听力元认知意识问卷
AppendixⅡ 外语听力焦虑量表
AppendixⅢ 英语听力测试
AppendixⅣ Reliability and Validity of MALQ
AppendixⅤ Reliability and Validity of FLLAS
【文章页数】:81 页
Chapter1 Introduction
1.1 Research background
1.2 Research purpose and significance
1.3 The structure of the thesis
Chapter2 Literature review
2.1 Relevant studies
2.1.1 Relevant studies on the relationship between MAL and LP
2.1.2 Relevant studies on the relationship between FLLA and LP
2.1.3 Relevant studies on the relationship between MAL and FLLA
2.2 Theoretical foundation
2.2.1 Metacognition theory
2.2.2 Krashen’s affective filter hypothesis
Chapter3 Research methodology
3.1 Research questions
3.2 Research subjects
3.3 Research instruments
3.3.1 Metacognitive Awareness Listening Questionnaire
3.3.2 Foreign Language Listening Anxiety Scale
3.3.3 Listening test
3.4 Research procedures
Chapter4 Results and discussions
4.1 Correlations among MAL,FLLA and LP
4.1.1 Correlations between students’MAL and LP
4.1.2 Correlations between students’FLLA and LP
4.1.3 Correlations between students’MAL and FLLA
4.2 Differences between high proficiency group and low proficiency group in MAL and its five factors
4.3 Differences between high proficiency group and low proficiency group in FLLA and its three factors
Chapter5 Conclusion
5.1 Major findings of the study
5.2 Implications of the study
5.3 Limitations of the study
5.4 Suggestions for future study
AppendixⅠ 听力元认知意识问卷
AppendixⅡ 外语听力焦虑量表
AppendixⅢ 英语听力测试
AppendixⅣ Reliability and Validity of MALQ
AppendixⅤ Reliability and Validity of FLLAS