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发布时间:2022-11-12 07:10

【文章页数】:79 页


Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Background of the research
    1.2 Purpose of the research
    1.3 Structure of the thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Definitions of feedback,teacher feedback,peer feedback
        2.1.1 Feedback
        2.1.2 Teacher feedback
        2.1.3 Peer feedback
    2.2 Related researches at home and abroad
        2.2.1 Researches on teacher feedback abroad
        2.2.2 Researches on teacher feedback at home
        2.2.3 Researches on peer feedback abroad
        2.2.4 Researches on peer feedback at home
        2.2.5 Researches on the comparison between teacher feedback and peer feedbackat home and abroad
    2.3 Theoretical foundation of the research
        2.3.1 Theory of Process Writing
        2.3.2 Theory of the Zone of Proximal Development
        2.3.3 Theory of Collaborative Learning
Chapter Three Methodology
    3.1 Research questions
    3.2 Research subjects
    3.3 Research instruments
        3.3.1 Questionnaires
        3.3.2 Semi-structured interview
        3.3.3 Checklist
    3.4 Research procedure
        3.4.1 Pre-test
        3.4.2 Training of peer feedback in class
        3.4.3 Post-test
    3.5 Data collection
    3.6 Data analysis
Chapter Four Results and Discussion
    4.1 Some aspects of writing on which teacher feedback has greater effects than peerfeedback
        4.1.1 content
        4.1.2 organization
        4.1.3 grammar
    4.2 Some aspects of writing on which peer feedback has greater effects than teacherfeedback
        4.2.1 vocabulary
        4.2.2 mechanical skills
    4.3 Students’attitudes toward teacher feedback and peer feedback
        4.3.1 Students' attitudes toward teacher feedback and peer feedback on the writingcontent
        4.3.2 Students'attitudes toward teacher and peer feedback on the organization ofa composition
        4.3.3 Students' attitudes toward teacher and peer feedback on the grammar of acomposition
        4.3.4 Toward teacher and peer feedback on the vocabulary
        4.3.5 Toward teacher and peer feedback on the mechanical skills
Chapter Five Conclusion
    5.1 Major findings
    5.2 Practical implications
    5.3 Limitations and recommendations for future research
Appendix Ⅰ 高考英语作文评分标准
Appendix Ⅱ 同伴反馈小组划分及成员名单
Appendix Ⅲ 教学实验中学生英语作文范本(前测写作任务)
Appendix Ⅳ 教学实验中学生英语作文范本(后测写作任务)
Appendix Ⅴ 教师及同伴反馈调查问卷
Appendix Ⅵ Semi-structured interview
Appendix Ⅶ Two teachers scored compositions in the pre-test
Appendix Ⅷ Two teachers scored compositions in the post-test

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[3]英语专业写作小组同伴反馈和教师反馈效果研究[J]. 刘永厚.  外语界. 2015(01)
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[10]中国大学生英语写作在线同伴反馈和教师反馈对比研究[J]. 蔡基刚.  外语界. 2011(02)




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