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接受理论视角下科普类文本The Weather Machine汉译实践报告

发布时间:2023-02-19 19:31
  科普类文本的翻译在教育大众、提高国民素质中发挥着重要的作用,国内外翻译界已有不少关于科普类文本翻译的研究,但这些研究大多集中在科普类文本的科学性与科普性,对其文学性和重视读者接受的关注仍相对不足,因此有必要对其展开进一步探究。接受理论此前多用于探讨文学作品的翻译,几乎很少涉及科普类文本的翻译。但接受理论认为只有通过读者的阅读,文学作品的美学价值才可以实现,这对科普文本之美的再现具有启发意义。同时,接受理论重视读者的接受,这与科普类文本重视读者对科学知识的充分理解与可读性不谋而合。鉴于此,本论文以接受理论为指导,以 The Weather Machine—A Journey Inside Forecast一书第一至第三章英译汉实践为例,探讨在科普文本翻译中如何再现其文学性与重视读者接受的特点。本文通过对原文进行分析后发现,该文本具有鲜明的文学性,具体体现在大量使用描述性词语、排比结构和修辞手法如明喻、押韵;同时,作者力图用具体的事例与生动的表达以及西方读者熟悉的习语来科普科学知识,使该文本具有很强的可读性。针对原文的这些典型特点,本文在接受理论的指导下从满足读者的期待视野、实现视域融合和...

【文章页数】:92 页


Chapter 1 Introduction
    1.1 Background and description of the task
    1.2 Significance of the study
    1.3 Structure of the thesis
Chapter 2 Task Process
    2.1 Preparation for translation
        2.1.1 Analyses of the source text
        2.1.2 Collection of parallel texts
        2.1.3 Preparation of translation tools
    2.2 Translation process
    2.3 Post-translation work
        2.3.1 Feedback
        2.3.2 Improvements according to the feedback
Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework: Reception Theory
    3.1 The formation and development of reception theory
    3.2 The main points of reception theory
        3.2.1 The supreme role of readers
        3.2.2 Horizon of expectation
        3.2.3 Fusion of horizon
    3.3 Application of reception theory to translating popular science texts
Chapter 4 Case Study
    4.1 Typical features of The Weather Machine—A Journey Inside Forecast
        4.1.1 Literariness of popular science texts
   Frequent use of descriptive words
   Frequent use of parallel structures
   Frequent use of rhetorical devices
        4.1.2 Readability orientation--balance between scientificity and popularity224.1.2.1 Employment of concrete examples and vivid expressions
   Employment of idioms
    4.2 Analyses of translation of The Weather Machine under the guidance ofreception theory
        4.2.1 Meeting the reader's horizon of expectation
   Translation of descriptive words
   Translation of parallel structures
        4.2.2 Achieving fusion of horizon
   Translation of simile
   Translation of rhyme
        4.2.3 Emphasizing the supreme role of readers
   Translation of concrete examples and vivid expressions
   Translation of idioms
Chapter 5 Conclusion
    5.1 Major findings of the report
    5.2 Limitations and suggestions
Appendix A: Source Text
Appendix B: Target Text




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