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发布时间:2014-09-04 20:23

1.2 Records on Translated English Literature from 1949 to1966 in Chinese Translated Literature History
The monograph A History of Translated Literature in China (《中国翻译文学史稿》), compiled by Chen Yugang (陈玉刚) and published in 1989, studies thedevelopment of literature translation in China from 1840 to 1966. Many significantliterature translation events, important literature translators, literature groups andpublishing houses in the history are introduced in the book. The book also studies the contributions made by these great translators and publishing houses to the developmentof literature translation in China.In another monograph History of Translated Literature in China (《中国翻译文学史》), compiled by Meng Zhaoyi (孟昭毅) and Li Zaidao (李载道) and published in2005, the study covers the period from 1897 to 2003. The book also focuses on bigevents related to literature translation, famous literature translators, groups andpublishing houses having made great contributions to literature translation. While thesetwo books use different events as separation marks of adjacent periods, and they havedifferent evaluation on certain translator or on the significance of the translatedliterature of certain foreign country.


Chapter Three The Position of Translated English Literature.......... 17 
3.1 The State of Chinese Literature during this Specific Period ........ 17
3.1.1 Historical and Cultural Background....... 17 
3.1.2 Specific State of Development in Literature ........ 19 
3.2 The Position of Translated Literature within Chinese Literary ......... 23 
3.2.1 Two Conferences Concerning Translation and the Significanc........... 23 
3.2.2 Analysis on the Position of Translated Literature within....... 26 
3.3 The Internal Stratification of Translated Literature Polysystem ......... 31 
3.3.1 Translated Literature and Its Internal Stratification..... 31 
3.3.2 Translated English Literature and Its Further Stratification ...... 32 
Chapter Four Translation Norms Applied in the Translation ........ 33 
4.1 The Relationship between the Position of Translated........... 33 
4.2 Study of Norms....... 34 
4.2.1 In Terms of Preliminary Norms....... 35 
4.2.2 In Terms of Initial Norms ......... 42 
4.2.3 In Terms of Operational Norms....... 43

Chapter Four Translation Norms Applied in the Translation ofEnglish Literature in China from 1949 to 1966

4.1 The Relationship between the Position of TranslatedLiterature and Translational Norms
Even-Zohar believes that the position taken by translated literature may haveconsequences on translation norms, behaviors and policies. When translated literatureassumes a central position, since translational activity participates in the process ofcreating new, primary models, the translator’s main concern is not just to look forready-made models in his home repertoire into which the source texts would betransferable. “Instead, he is prepared in such cases to violate the home conventions.Under such conditions the chances that the translation will be close to the original interms of adequacy (in other words, a reproduction of the dominant textual relations ofthe original) are greater than otherwise” (Even-Zohar 49). Even-Zohar went on toanalyses the other situation, “…, when translated literature occupies a peripheralposition, it behaves totally differently. Here, the translator’s main effort is to concentrateupon finding the best ready-made secondary models for the foreign text, and the resultoften turns out to be a non-adequate translation or (as I would prefer to put it) a greaterdiscrepancy between the equivalence achieved and the adequacy postulated” (ibid.).

Based on the materials collected and research results achieved by previous scholars,this thesis goes further to study the translation of English literature during the seventeenyears since the establishment of People’s Republic of China from the perspective ofpolysystem theory. During the process of the study, the thesis answers several questionsabout the translation of English literature in this period successively.The first question is about the position of translated literature within the literarypolysystem during the seventeen years from 1949 to 1966. A lot of existing studies tryto confirm the position of translated literature within the literary polysystem from kindsof superficial data like the number of the works translated from foreign countries andthe percentage they account for. While, in his article “The Position of TranslatedLiterature within the Literary Polysystem”, Even-Zohar has suggested that the positionof translated literature are determined by the state of development of the target literature.Therefore, the thesis studies the grade of maturity of Chinese vernacular literature from1949 to 1966, and reached the conclusion that translated literature during the seventeenyears assumed a peripheral position within Chinese literary polysystem.
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