本文选题:平面设计 切入点:绿色设计 出处:《青岛大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The relationship between people and the environment is close, the industrial development and utilization of resources, the ecological environment has suffered serious damage, the human living environment is getting worse, people called for environmental protection and maintenance of ecological balance is increasing, the public awareness of environmental protection has been gradually strengthened. The government actively strengthen environmental governance at the same time. Put forward the strategy of sustainable development and the idea of people-oriented concept. Green has become the main theme of the times, the art design is in the field of social services, public service, service life of a major event, not only in the art function to keep up with the progress of Art pace, designed to meet the requirements of the times and the demand for commodities with advertising and the role of publicity work, but also to better play the function of art design, to influence or change the society with social ideological design unique, advocating environmental protection. The mode of thinking and knowledge, improve people's values, change those who deviate from the sustainable development of production and life style. The design is synchronized with the times of green design, the visual art gimmick to promote environmental awareness, communication development concept of people-oriented and sustainable development concept, this paper focuses on the research of graphic design elements from the packaging design in this respect, the graphic design simplicity, and overcome ideological cumbersome practices, expression of ideas should be direct, clear and strong, eliminate confusion and ambiguity; simple design, clear thinking embodies the art design of the green environmental protection consciousness. Color, color less with simple way black and white ash, advocating the trend of natural scene, reasonable color contrast to eliminate visual fatigue, overcome visual pollution, the study found that the application of color in the concept of green packaging materials. Is the color with the colored design of environmental significance; text to meaning can be clear, concise and comprehensive, to meet the requirements of the overall picture processing art and the concept of green; green environment mark should be according to the actual situation and needs to be placed in the packaging frame, should comply with the norms and picture symbol art; based on the elements of discussion, the the elements have symbolic characteristics, each picture elements connected must meet the design principle of symbolic design, reflect the demand function of organic synthesis. The graphic design is under the principle of green packaging design.
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