本文选题:增强可读性 + 工作报道 ; 参考:《新闻战线》2002年03期
[Abstract]:In recent years, the party newspapers at all levels of active reform, innovation, has made remarkable achievements. In full affirmation of the results, we can not but face up to the decline in the distribution of some government newspapers, advertising atrophy grim reality. One of the important reasons for this is that there is a big gap in the study of readers and close to the readers. To carry out the spirit of the sixth Plenary session of the 15th CPC Central Committee and further promote the reform of the press, one of the fundamental aspects is that we must conscientiously strengthen the ties between the party newspapers and the masses of the people, so as to "take the voice of the masses as the first signal," as Comrade Ding Guangen demanded. Take the needs of the masses as the first choice, the interests of the masses as the first consideration, and the satisfaction of the masses as the first criterion, "and strive to enhance the persuasiveness, attractiveness, and appeal of the Party newspaper. The people are the main body of newspaper readers and the main body of party newspaper service. Only by studying the reader can we understand the reader and get close to the reader in order to win the reader. This issue of the "Frontier concern" column discusses "studying and grasping the Art of getting close to the readers," and publishes six articles with more page numbers, hoping to arouse sufficient attention to this problem by the journalists of the Party newspapers at all levels.
【作者单位】: 河北日报
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