[Abstract]:In the 21st century, the global industry competition is fierce, the consumption purchase decision changes unceasingly, the enterprise only adopts the low price strategy or only in the product practical attribute competition has been unable to satisfy the consumer gradually, the product with the product style characteristic product begins to receive the manufacturer attention. Consumers are also increasingly inclined to buy products with aesthetic characteristics in the process of purchasing decisions. With the advent of aesthetic economy, product style has gradually become an important selling point of products. How to influence consumers' feelings through product style, create a distinctive brand image and brand personality, and resonate with consumers, Will become one of the important factors of marketing. In this study, MP3 player of consumer digital product is selected as an example. Based on E-K-B consumption decision mode, consumers are classified by adding life style variables. Through the way of questionnaire, we can find out the difference of the purchasing decision-making process and the attitude of the different life style groups, and then know the relationship between the product style and the consumption purchase decision, so as to find out the relationship between the product style and the purchase decision. The influence of product style on consumption and purchase decision is verified and discussed in order to provide reference for industry in marketing strategy and product design. In this study, consumers are divided into four groups by using life style variables, which are enjoyment family, regular conservative group, popular expression group and active self family. The results are as follows: 1. In purchasing decisions, the four groups had differences in the brand of MP3 player used, purchase motivation, purchase evaluation factors, increased willingness to buy and time taken into account; the time experience in using MP3 player was stimulated by advertising. There is no difference between the source of information and the purchasing channel. 2. In terms of product style attitude, the four groups want to buy the MP3 product style, the importance of product style to the purchase is different, but there is no difference in the style elements and the brand that can be identified by appearance. 3. Product style has positive correlation with purchase decision.
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