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发布时间:2018-02-04 17:11

  本文关键词: 汉语作为外语 教材本土化 教学专业化 德语区 汉学系 出处:《复旦大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:论文对维也纳大学东亚研究所汉学系汉学本科专业的汉语课程的教材与教学现状进行考察与分析,提出了通过给通用式教材《汉语教程》编写教学材料可以促进该系汉语教学的专业化,有助于解决汉语教学与汉语教材在奥地利教学体系的各个层次上将来所会面临的针对性问题。论文主张,让当地汉语教师在编写教学材料的过程中提高自己的专业水平,这样一来,当地汉语教学才有可能成熟起来,否则教材本土化将会无从下手。从这个意义上说,编写教学材料恰恰是这方面的好机会,也十分符合维也纳大学汉学系目前对汉语教材的需求。 就当前德语区的汉语教学而言,想达到初级水平以上的交际能力以及读懂真实语料的阅读能力的学习者,非读汉学不可,因为汉学系目前是唯一种有相应资源的教学机构。在德语区的汉学界中,维也纳大学汉学系的本科专业当前是规模最大的、汉语课程较为全面的本科项目,维也纳大学汉学系也是奥地利唯一的开设汉语作为外语教学硕士专业的教学单位。换言之,该教学单位在很大程度上不仅负责奥地利的汉语教学,而且也负责汉语作为外语教学的师资培养。因此,如果想实现奥地利汉语教学的本土化建设,就应该从维也纳大学汉学系来入手。 论文认为,在维也纳大学汉学系汉语课程当前的条件下(见第4、6章),不宜仅仅关注教材本土化的最后结果,而有必要更加重视其过程。无论是学习者的需求还是教学者的需求,至此为止,仍有许多未顾及之处,因此,经验较为丰富的教师、年轻教师以及汉语作为外语硕士的在读研究生都应该进行合作,以逐步地找出并照顾学习者和教学者的实际需求。具体来说,他们要为当地语言教学的核心教材《汉语教程》(修订本)设计一系列的补充材料。该教科书为维也纳大学汉学系所长期使用,教学者对它十分熟悉,并且也已经为它设计过很多其他的补充材料(见第5章),因此,将已有教科书换成另一套显得比较不可行。 论文对汉语作为外语(CFL)环境下教学材料以及上述已有的补充材料的特点进行讨论,在此基础上,就CFL环境下对教学材料的不同需求加以分类。论文认为,CFL环境下的教材需求可概括为:增加有效输入,扩大“感知汉语”的机会;引导汉语学习的有效方法,提高自主学习能力;提高理性认知,帮助学习者“认知汉语”;开发多媒体教学资源,激发课内外学习热情等四个类型。最后,论文为维也纳大学汉学系将来的教材本土化工作提出若干建议。
[Abstract]:This paper investigates and analyzes the teaching materials and teaching status of the Chinese course in the Sinology Department of the East Asia Institute of the University of Vienna. It is pointed out that the specialization of Chinese teaching in this department can be promoted by compiling teaching materials for the general teaching material "Chinese course". Help to solve the Chinese teaching and Chinese teaching materials in Austria at all levels of the teaching system in the future will be faced with targeted problems. Let local Chinese teachers in the process of preparing teaching materials to improve their professional level, so that the local Chinese language teaching may mature, otherwise the localization of teaching materials will not be able to start. In this sense. The preparation of teaching materials is a good opportunity in this respect and meets the needs of Chinese teaching materials in the Sinology Department of the University of Vienna. As far as Chinese teaching in the German-speaking region is concerned, it is necessary to read Sinology for learners who want to reach the primary level of communicative competence and the ability to read real corpus. Because Sinology is currently the only teaching institution with corresponding resources. In the Sinology field of the German-speaking region, the undergraduate major of Sinology Department of the University of Vienna is currently the largest undergraduate program with a more comprehensive Chinese curriculum. The Department of Sinology at the University of Vienna is also the only Austrian teaching unit offering a master's degree in teaching Chinese as a foreign language. In other words, the teaching unit is not only responsible for Austrian Chinese teaching to a large extent. Therefore, if we want to realize the localization of Austrian Chinese teaching, we should start with the Sinology Department of the University of Vienna. The paper holds that under the current conditions of Chinese course in the Department of Sinology of the University of Vienna (see Chapter 4, Chapter 6), it is not appropriate to pay attention to the final result of localization of textbooks. It is necessary to pay more attention to the process, whether the needs of learners or the needs of teachers, so far, there are still a lot of neglect, therefore, more experienced teachers. Young teachers and graduate students with master's degrees in Chinese as a foreign language should cooperate to gradually identify and take care of the actual needs of learners and teachers. They want to design a series of supplementary materials for the core textbook of the local language teaching, the Chinese course (revised), which has long been used by the Sinology Department of the University of Vienna and is familiar to teaching scholars. And many other supplementary materials have been designed for it (see chap. 5), so it is less feasible to replace existing textbooks with another. This paper discusses the characteristics of Chinese as a foreign language (CFL) environment and the above mentioned supplementary materials. This paper classifies the different demands of teaching materials in CFL environment. The author thinks that the teaching material needs under CFL environment can be summarized as follows: increasing effective input and expanding the opportunity of "perceiving Chinese"; The effective method to guide the learning of Chinese and improve the ability of autonomous learning; To improve rational cognition and help learners to "cognize Chinese"; Developing multimedia teaching resources and arousing the enthusiasm of learning in and out of class are four types. Finally, some suggestions are put forward for the localization of teaching materials in the Sinology Department of the University of Vienna in the future.


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