发布时间:2017-08-20 03:23
【摘要】:评价理论是以J.R.Martin为首的语言学家在二十世纪九十年代提出的,它是对韩礼德系统功能语言学的补充、完善和发展,具有旺盛的生命力和强大的应用能力。评价理论包括态度、介入和级差三个子系统。它研究人们如何运用语言资源评估事物或现象的价值,,从而表明自己的观点、态度、立场。 通过文献对比分析发现,现有研究成果极少用评定量定性的分析方法对比研究中外重点大学简介的态度资源异同点。大学简介作为对外宣传的首选方式,直接影响着大学的形象。如何在大学简介语篇中巧妙运用语言的魅力,塑造深入人心的正面文化教育圣地形象,事关大学发展的前景。 通过通过文本的定量、定性分析,本研究有以下发现。第一,态度资源性质主要以积极为主。中外顶尖大学的简介语篇中蕴含大量丰富的态度评价资源,并且态度的三个子系统:情感、判断、鉴赏资源都各有具体细致的体现。第二,在两种语篇中,鉴赏资源频率最高,判断资源次之,情感资源最少。由于情感资源和人们的感情直接相关,为避免使其具有较强的主观性和个体性,故而使用最少。在中国大学简介(以下CUI)语篇中,反映security的情感资源居首,与其简介中大量介绍历史渊源有关。而国外大学简介(以下FUI)语篇中,反映inclination的情感资源居首,与国外学校欲建世界名校的倾向性息息相关,中国的教育声望有待提升至国际高度。在判断资源中,表达社会尊重(social esteem)资源的比重远远超过了社会约束(social sanction),其中尤其以能反映大学综合实力和学术科研成就能力的capacity资源居首。在CUI和FUI中,用来评价学校对社会和人类发展做出的贡献价值(valuation)的鉴赏资源居首。反应(reaction)次之,多用于评价学校的高端的环境或是盛名引发的情感反应。第三:大学简介语篇中描述学校历史、环境、声誉、师资力量、学术科研贡献的各种态度资源被用来建构态度定位,展现给读者学校的整体概况并对潜在读者进行“态度操控”——简介作者通过情感、裁决和鉴赏资源,引导读者与学校在情感、道德和美学等方面产生共鸣并最终统一立场,获得读者的认可,以便读者更好做出选择。 本研究在理论和实践上都有重要意义。从理论上讲,本研究再次证明了评价理论态度子系统用于中外大学简介语篇分析的可适用性。从实践角度讲,本研究有助于提升读者对其它公众材料或是语篇的理解能力与识别能力。
【关键词】:评价理论 态度资源 大学简介
- Abstract3-5
- 摘要5-6
- List of Figures6-7
- List of Tables7-8
- Abbreviations8-9
- Contents9-11
- Chapter One Introduction11-16
- 1.1 Research Background11-12
- 1.1.1 Official Statistics of Chinese Students Studying Abroad11
- 1.1.2 Official Statistics of Foreign Students Studying in China11-12
- 1.2 Research Purpose and Significance12-13
- 1.3 Data Collection and Research Methodology13-15
- 1.3.1 Data Collection13-14
- 1.3.2 Research Design and Questions14-15
- 1.4 Organization of the Study15-16
- Chapter Two Literature Review16-24
- 2.1 Introduction16
- 2.2 A Brief Definition of University Introductions16-17
- 2.3 Previous Related Researches on University Introductions17-20
- 2.3.1 Studies from the Perspective of Translation17-18
- 2.3.2 Studies from the Perspective of Corpus Linguistics18-19
- 2.3.3 Studies from the Perspective of Discourse19
- 2.3.4 Studies from the Other Perspectives19-20
- 2.4 Studies on Martin’s Appraisal Theory20-23
- 2.4.1 Previous Studies Based on Martin’s Theory Aboard20-21
- 2.4.2 Previous Studies Based on Martin’s Theory at Home21-23
- 2.5 Summary and Comments on Previous Studies23-24
- Chapter Three Theoretical Framework24-33
- 3.1 SFL as the Theoretical Guidelines of This Study24-25
- 3.2 An Introduction to Appraisal Theory: Engagement, Attitude, Graduation25-26
- 3.3 Standards of Identification and Realization of Attitude Resources26-30
- 3.3.1 Identification and Realization of Affect Resources26-27
- 3.3.2 Identification and Realization of Judgment Resources27-29
- 3.3.3 Identification and Realization of Appreciation Resources29-30
- 3.4 Other Kinds of Realization of Attitude Resources30-31
- 3.5 Interaction of Affect, Judgement and Appreciation31-32
- 3.6 Summary of the Theoretical Framework for Present Thesis32-33
- Chapter Four Detailed Comparison and Discussion33-52
- 4.1 An Introduction of the Procedure33-34
- 4.2 Data Application of Samples for Identification Realization of Attitude Resources Employed in CUI and FUI34-38
- 4.2.1 Data Identification and Realization of Affect Resources Employed in CUI and FUI34-36
- 4.2.2 Data Identification and Realization of Judgement Resources Employed in CUI and FUI36-37
- 4.2.3 Data Identification and Realization of Appreciation Resources Employed in CUI and FUI37-38
- 4.3 A Comparison of General Statistics of CUI and FUI38-40
- 4.4 A Macro Comparison of the General Distribution of Attitudinal Resources Employed in CUI and FUI40-41
- 4.5 The Distribution of Affect Resources in CUI and FUI41-45
- 4.5.1 A Comparison and Discussion of Similarities and Differences among Affect Resources Employed in CUI and FUI42-44
- 4.5.2 Summary of the Analysis of Affect44-45
- 4.6 The Distribution of Judgment Resources in CUI and FUI45-48
- 4.6.1 A Comparison and Discussion of Judgement Resources Employed in CUI and FUI46-47
- 4.6.2 Summary of Analysis of Judgement47-48
- 4.7 The Distribution of Appreciation Resources in CUI and FUI48-51
- 4.7.1 A Comparison and Discussion of Appreciation Resources Employed in CUI and FUI49-50
- 4.7.2 Summary of Analysis of Appreciation50-51
- 4.8 Summary51-52
- Chapter Five Conclusion52-56
- 5.1 A Summarizing Overview52
- 5.2 Major Findings52-54
- 5.3 Implications and Applications54
- 5.4 Limitations and Suggestions for Follow-up Research54-56
- References56-59
- Appendix59-60
- Acknowledgements60-61
- Publications61
中国期刊全文数据库 前10条
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2 范勇;;跨文化交际视角下的国内高校英文网页中“文化性翻译失误”研究[J];北京第二外国语学院学报;2010年08期
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中国博士学位论文全文数据库 前1条
1 李晓康;态度意义构建世界[D];上海外国语大学;2009年