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发布时间:2019-06-05 19:32
【摘要】:北美红枫(Acer rubrum)树干挺直,材质坚硬,树叶整洁,秋季色彩艳丽,是彩色叶树种最具代表的树种之一,在国外已被广泛应用于园林绿化中,也是干旱地防护林树种和风景林的重要树种。北美红枫适应性较强,以单排或双排种植,常形成景观大道,色彩缤纷,气势雄伟、壮观,景观效果颇佳。本文对从美国俄勒冈州波特兰市引种的5个北美红枫观赏品种进行研究,包括物候特征、叶色呈现、生长特性、在引种栽培区的越冬、越夏表现、抗病虫害能力等,并进行了嫩枝扦插繁殖技术研究,以期为北美红枫的进一步推广应用提供技术支持。主要研究结论如下:1.通过对原栽培区和拟引种地两地之间气温、降水量、光照时间等引种限制因子的对比,预测拟引品种在引种试验地引种成功的可能性。北美红枫的原栽培区波特兰市光照充足、年均降雨量较大,冬季气温相对较高;山东省昌邑市的主要气象条件与原栽培区有相似之处,但不完全相同,冬季、春季降水量少,夏季高温高湿,秋冬两季日照时间短。所以在引种初期需要注意加强管理,特别是冬春两季要加强越冬防寒保护和水分管理,使其逐渐适应昌邑当地的小气候环境。2.引种的5个品种中,‘酒红’萌芽最早,展叶最早;‘秋石塔’秋叶变色最早,变色期最长。同一品种的物候期因环境条件的不同而出现变化,与原产地比较,引进的5个北美红枫品种的物候期均略有变化,但在同一立地条件下,物候期会基本稳定。3.通过越冬形态观察研究,5个北美红枫品种的耐寒性差异明显。耐寒性强(Ⅰ)的品种为‘秋火焰’,耐寒性较强(Ⅱ)的品种为‘酒红’、‘秋石塔’、‘秋烈焰’,耐寒性中等(Ⅲ)的品种为‘夏日红’,耐寒性强弱顺序为:‘秋火焰’‘酒红’‘秋石塔’‘秋烈焰’‘夏日红’。4.经过夏季实际观察记录,引进的5个北美红枫品种中,‘秋石塔’、‘秋烈焰’、‘夏日红’3个品种生长正常,长势良好;‘秋火焰’有少量新叶叶缘发生焦边,‘酒红’少量叶片焦缩。5个北美红枫品种的耐热性差异明显,耐热性强(Ⅰ)的品种为‘夏日红’,耐热性较强(Ⅱ)的品种为‘秋烈焰’、‘秋石塔’,耐热性中等(Ⅲ)的品种为‘酒红’、‘秋火焰’。5个品种的耐热性强弱顺序为:‘夏日红’‘秋烈焰’‘秋石塔’‘酒红’‘秋火焰’。5.所引种的5个北美红枫品种抗病虫害能力较强,只发现少量病虫害种类,主要有斑衣蜡蝉、黄刺蛾、星天牛等虫害;正常情况下,病害不多,但在植株密度较大、阴湿、通风透光条件不好时病害较为严重。经观察发现,不同品种抗病虫害能力有差异,抗病虫害能力强(Ⅰ)的品种是‘秋石塔’;抗病虫害能力较强(Ⅱ)的品种有‘酒红’、‘秋烈焰’;抗病虫害能力中等(Ⅲ)的品种有‘夏日红’、‘秋火焰’。5个品种的抗病虫害能力强弱顺序为:‘秋石塔’‘秋烈焰’‘酒红’‘秋火焰’‘夏日红’。6.不同基质对嫩枝扦插成活率有影响,5个品种均在珍珠岩基质中的扦插成活率最高。所引种的5个北美红枫品种的嫩枝扦插成活率差异明显,在70.62%-88.05%之间,‘酒红’的扦插成活率最高,为88.05%,‘秋石塔’的扦插成活率最低,为70.62%。
[Abstract]:The tree trunk of Acer rurum of North America is straight, the material is hard, the leaves are clean and the autumn is bright in color. It is one of the most representative tree species of the color-leaf tree species, and has been widely used in the garden in foreign countries. It is also an important tree species of the arid land-forest tree species and the landscape forest. The red maple in North America has a strong adaptability, and is planted in a single row or in a double row, so that the landscape road is often formed, the color is colorful, the air is magnificent and spectacular, and the landscape effect is good. In this paper, five species of red maple, which were introduced from Portland, Oregon, were studied, including phenological characteristics, leaf color, growth characteristics, overwintering of the introduction and cultivation areas, the more summer performance, and the ability to resist the diseases and insect pests. So as to provide technical support for further popularization and application of the red maple in north america. The main findings are as follows:1. By comparison of the introduction restriction factors such as air temperature, precipitation and light time between the original planting area and the two places to be introduced, the possibility of the introduction test of the proposed variety was predicted. In the original cultivation area of the red maple in North America, the light of Portland is sufficient, the average annual rainfall is high, and the temperature in winter is relatively high; the main meteorological conditions in Changping City of Shandong Province are similar to that of the original cultivation area, but are not exactly the same, in winter, the spring precipitation is low, and the high-temperature and high-humidity in summer, The sunshine time in winter and winter is short. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to strengthening management in the early stage of introduction, especially in winter and spring, to strengthen the winter protection and water management, so as to gradually adapt to the local climate of Changyi. Among the five varieties introduced, the first of the first and the first, the first of the first and the first, and the oldest in the autumn leaves, and the longest in the color-changing period. The phenological period of the same variety has changed due to the different environmental conditions, and the phenological period of the five American red maple varieties introduced in comparison with the country of origin has changed slightly, but the phenological period is basically stable under the same standing condition. The cold resistance of 5 North American red maple varieties was obvious by the overwintering formation observation. The variety of cold resistance (鈪,




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