本文选题:中文歌曲 + 汉语课堂教学 ; 参考:《重庆师范大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In recent years, Chinese learning has been warming up. On the way of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, people are constantly exploring. In teaching, in order to meet the needs of the times, the world needs, the needs of students, Chinese teaching methods, teaching means are constantly innovating. Language learning is not an easy process, even more boring, in order to change the status quo of learning, many Chinese teachers are constantly improving, constantly think of ways. Therefore, learning to sing Chinese songs has become an effective teaching method to assist the teaching of regular classes. The learning of Chinese songs in Chinese teaching can not only adjust the atmosphere of the classroom, but also learn Chinese in this way. This paper analyzes the advantages of the application of Chinese songs in the international Chinese classroom on the basis of the research and practical experience of the application of Chinese songs in the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language. The main contents of this paper are as follows: the first part discusses the advantages of learning Chinese songs on the theoretical basis of linguistics, musicology and Clashen's emotional filtering hypothesis. Linguistic theory mainly analyzes the essential function of language, the relationship between language, thought and culture, and musicology mainly analyzes the musicality of human beings and the function of music, in addition to the analysis of Krashen's "emotion filter hypothesis". For my paper to provide a strong theoretical support. The second part: the feasibility analysis of the application of Chinese songs in international Chinese classroom teaching. Mainly from the artistic, cultural nature of Chinese songs, the role of Chinese songs in language teaching (that is, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, culture introduction) and other non-linguistic factors (that is, reducing anxiety and learning difficulty, cultivating sense of language), Focus on the role of the analysis. The third part: discuss the principle and activity design of using songs to teach Chinese. Through the investigation and analysis of 30 foreign students in Chongqing normal University, the principles of using songs in Chinese teaching are summarized. The principles are mainly from the practicability of songs (that is, whether the purpose is clear, the length of songs, the difficulty of songs), and interesting. Normative analysis, etc. The activity design is a series of activities suitable for listening and speaking classes when Chinese songs are used in classroom teaching. The fourth part: the application of Chinese songs in international Chinese class. The principle of using songs to teach Chinese is integrated into Chinese classroom, and the principle, method and activity design of previous analysis are expressed through teaching design and teaching fragments.
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