本文选题:禽流感 + H9N2 ; 参考:《中国疾病预防控制中心》2014年博士论文
【摘要】:研究背景:水禽是所有HA(1-16)和NA(1-9)亚型流感病毒的自然宿主,尽管人群中只流行H1和H3亚型,但是一些亚型的禽流感病毒也可以偶然感染人,如H9N2、H5N1、H7N2、H7N3、H7N7等,近年来在我国有陆续报道了H7N9、H10N8、H6N1以及H5N6禽流感感染病例。我国特殊的散养混养养殖模式以及活禽消费模式,大大增加了产生新型重配病毒从而导致流感大流行的风险,因此加强对我国禽流感病毒的监测和风险评估对于流感大流行的应对十分重要。我国从2009年开始就在全国建立基于职业暴露人群的血清学监测系统,以及时了解H5N1禽流感病毒感染状况。本研究就是利用该监测系统收集的职业暴露人群血清,系统研究在禽类中主要流行的H9N2、H6N2和H6N6禽流感病毒的人群感染状况。 研究方法:本研究利用2009-2011年间采集的来自活禽市场、家禽规模养殖场、家禽散养户、屠宰加工场和野生候鸟栖息地暴露人群血清近15700份,筛选了在我国流行且抗原性上存在显著差异的3株H9N2(A/Guangzhou/333/99、 A/Chicken/AK4/Anhui/2011、A/quail/Hong Kong/G1/97)、1株H6N2(A/Chicken/Y94/Guangdong/2011)和1株H6N6(A/environment/Hunan/2/2010)禽流感病毒作为检测抗原,使用血凝抑制方法初筛和微量中和方法确诊两种流感病毒血清抗体检测方法,在我国大陆地区开展系统的H9N2和H6亚型禽流感病毒的血清学研究。 研究结果:H9N2和H6亚型禽流感病毒在中国职业暴露人群的中和抗体血清阳性率分别为3.89%和0.4%。 从不同抗原来看,3株H9N2禽流感病毒中,基因分型属于G9系的且较早分离的A/Guangzhou/333/99在人群的血清阳性率显著高于同属于G9系但近期分离的A/Chicken/AK4/Anhui/2011和属于G1系的A/quail/Hong Kong/G1/97(p0.0001)。对于H6亚型禽流感病毒,H6N2病毒在职业人群的血清阳性率显著高于H6N6(p0.0001)。 从不同职业人群来看,所有职业暴露人群均有阳性血清标本检出,但各人群血清阳性率存在差异(p0.05)。活禽市场、家禽规模养殖场和家禽散养户暴露人群感染H9N2禽流感病毒风险显著高于屠宰加工场和野生候乌栖息地暴露人群。活禽市场、家禽散养户和野生候鸟栖息地暴露人群H6N2禽流感病毒的血清阳性率高于其他组人群。 从不同年龄组来看,H9N2两个早期分离的毒株(A/Guangzhou/333/99、 A/Chicken/AK4/Anhui/2011)血清阳性率随年龄的增加而升高。A/Chicken/AK4/Anhui/2011和H6亚型禽流感病毒对各年龄组职业人群的血清阳性率无显著差异(p0.05)。 从地域来看,H9N2禽流感病毒在此次22个采样省/自治区/直辖市中除黑龙江(n=280)外均有阳性血清标本检出,南方职业暴露人群的血清阳性率显著高于北方(p=0.002)。H6N2禽流感病毒除河南、吉林和辽宁三个北方省份外,其他省份均有阳性标本检出。 结论:本研究首次发现我国大陆地区职业暴露人群感染H6亚型禽流感病毒。从人群感染率上来看,我国禽间主要流行的三个禽流感病毒对职业暴露人群的感染风险依次是H9N2、H6和H5N1禽流感病毒。提示我们应加强H9N2和H6亚型禽流感病毒在我国职业暴露人群的监测,有效预防控制禽流感和新型重配流感病毒对人类的危害。
[Abstract]:Research background: waterfowl is the natural host of all HA (1-16) and NA (1-9) subtype influenza viruses. Although only H1 and H3 subtypes are prevalent in the population, some subtypes of avian influenza virus can also infect people by chance, such as H9N2, H5N1, H7N2, H7N3, and H7N7 in recent years. In recent years, there have been reports of H7N9, H10N8, H6N1, and avian influenza infection in China. It is very important for us to strengthen the monitoring and risk assessment of the avian influenza virus in our country to respond to the influenza pandemic. Since 2009, China has established occupational exposure based on occupational exposure in China. The serological monitoring system of the population and the status of H5N1 avian influenza virus infection. This study is to use the monitoring system to collect serum from occupational exposure populations and to systematically study the prevalence of H9N2, H6N2, and H6N6 avian influenza viruses, which are the main epidemic in poultry.
Research methods: This study used 2009-2011 years from live poultry market, poultry farms, poultry farmers, slaughterhouses and wild migratory birds to expose nearly 15700 sera, and screened 3 strains of H9N2 (A/Guangzhou/333/99, A/Chicken/AK4/Anhui/2011, A/qua), which were prevalent in China and had significant differences in antigenicity. Il/Hong Kong/G1/97), 1 strains of H6N2 (A/Chicken/Y94/Guangdong/2011) and 1 H6N6 (A/environment/Hunan/2/2010) avian influenza virus were used as detection antigens. The detection methods of serum antibody of two influenza viruses were detected by the initial screening of hemagglutination inhibition method and microneutralization method, and the systematic H9N2 and H6 subtype avian influenza viruses were carried out in the mainland of China. A serological study.
Results: the seropositive rates of H9N2 and H6 subtype avian influenza virus among Chinese occupational exposure population were 3.89% and 0.4%. respectively.
From the different antigens, in the 3 H9N2 avian influenza viruses, the genotyping belongs to the G9 line, and the early separation of A/Guangzhou/333/99 in the population is significantly higher than that belonging to the G9 line, but the recently separated A/Chicken/AK4/Anhui/2011 and the G1 line A/quail/Hong Kong/G1/97 (P0.0001). For H6 subtype avian influenza virus, H6N2 virus in the population. The positive rate of occupational population was significantly higher than that of H6N6 (P0.0001).
From the different occupations, the positive serum samples were detected in all occupational exposures, but the positive rates of the serum were different (P0.05). The risk of H9N2 avian influenza virus infection in the poultry market, poultry farm and poultry scattered households was significantly higher than that of the slaughterhouse and the wild people in the wild. The positive rate of H6N2 avian influenza virus was higher than that of other groups.
From the different age groups, the serum positive rate of the two early isolates of H9N2 (A/Guangzhou/333/99, A/Chicken/AK4/Anhui/2011) increased with the increase of age, and there was no significant difference between the.A/Chicken/AK4/Anhui/2011 and H6 subtype of avian influenza virus (P0.05) in the occupational population of all age groups.
From the geographical point of view, the H9N2 avian influenza virus was detected by the positive serum samples except Heilongjiang (n=280) in the 22 provinces / autonomous regions / municipalities. The positive rate of the occupational exposure population in the South was significantly higher than that of the northern (p=0.002).H6N2 avian influenza virus except Henan, Jilin and Liaoning, and the other provinces were positive. Specimens were detected.
Conclusion: in this study, the H6 subtype avian influenza virus was infected for the first time in the mainland of China. From the rate of population infection, the risk of three avian influenza viruses in our country was H9N2, H6 and H5N1 avian influenza virus in turn. It was suggested that we should strengthen the H9N2 and H6 subtype of avian influenza virus. Monitoring of occupational exposure populations in China effectively prevents and controls the harm of avian influenza and new rematch influenza viruses to humans.
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