[Abstract]:The epidemic situation of brucellosis (brucellosis) has been active in Zhangjiakou city. In 2014, the newly reported cases accounted for 51.78 of the total incidence in the whole province, and the reported outbreak cases accounted for 66.67% of the total cases in the whole province. In this paper, the characteristics of epidemic situation and distribution of human brucellosis outbreak in Zhangjiakou City in 2014 were analyzed. 1 objects and methods 1.1 objects were analyzed according to the requirements of the Standard for the disposal of Human brucellosis outbreak in Zhangjiakou City. Epidemiological investigation was carried out among the key population of 12 outbreaks of brucellosis in the city, including sex, age, occupation and major diseases.
【作者单位】: 张家口市地方病防治所;张家口市卫生局;阳原县疾病预防控制中心;
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