[Abstract]:Dengue fever is a kind of mosquito-borne viral disease. The main media are Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. Dengue virus is divided into four serotypes, and when a human body is infected with a serotype virus, the virus can be immunized for a lifetime, but there is a risk of severe dengue fever after infection with other serotype viruses. Dengue fever is now widely prevalent in more than 100 countries and regions of the global and sub-tropical South-East Asia, the Americas, the Western Pacific and the Eastern Mediterranean, and is spreading to the region without dengue, with a global incidence of 30-fold over the past 50 years. Dengue has a great economic burden on the planet, and is now a serious public health problem, in which the World Health Organization has developed the strategic objectives of reducing the incidence and mortality of dengue fever by at least 50 per cent and 25 per cent, respectively, in 2012-2020. Aedes albopictus is widely distributed in China and is the main vector of dengue fever in China. From the founding of the new China to 1977, there was no case of dengue fever in China. In 1978, the first outbreak of dengue fever in Foshan, Guangdong Province, occurred. In the 1980s, the epidemic of dengue fever in Hainan, Guangdong and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region occurred. After entering the 1990s, Dengue fever is mainly in Guangdong province. Since 1978, dengue fever has occurred in Guangdong Province for nearly 40 years, and several outbreaks of dengue fever have occurred during the period. The outbreak of dengue fever in 2014 is the most in history. The small outbreak of dengue fever is a frequent occurrence. The situation of dengue fever has become more and more intense in recent years, and it has caused serious public health problems to our country. It is of great importance to recognize the situation of dengue fever in China and the factors that affect the occurrence of dengue fever. To this end, this study will determine whether the dengue fever has been localized in China and the risk factors that affect the occurrence of dengue fever, and set up a framework for the Dengue decision support system, and ultimately provide the decision-maker with the basis for effectively preventing and controlling the occurrence of dengue fever. Methods We found that the four serotypes of dengue fever have been found in Guangzhou with the data of Guangzhou City from 1978 to 2013, the epidemiological characteristics of the integrated dengue fever cases, and the systematic evolution analysis and systematic geography analysis. The results show that the four serotypes of dengue fever have been found in Guangzhou. The results of the maximum likelihood tree analysis show that, in addition to 2002-2003, the dengue virus strains detected in different years in Guangzhou are distributed on different branches. The presence of dengue virus strains in Guangzhou and South-East Asian countries. The strains detected in Guangzhou were mainly from the Southeast Asian countries, which caused the outbreak of dengue fever in Guangzhou, mainly from Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines. In the study of Liwan District, Yuexiu District, Haizhu District and Baiyun District of Guangzhou, the incidence of local cases of dengue fever was in the range of 8-11 months. Based on the data of 2006-2011, the analysis of the generalized linear model based on the Poisson distribution shows that the local transmission of dengue fever is positively related to the mosquito density, the input case, the temperature, the rainfall, the water vapor pressure and the minimum relative humidity in different months. And negative correlation with the air pressure in different months. Based on the data of 2006-2014, the generalized addition model based on the Poisson distribution has found that the average minimum temperature in the last month and the local case of dengue fever have a positive linear effect relationship with the local case of dengue fever, and the case of the last-month input of dengue fever. There was a positive non-linear relationship between the accumulated rainfall in the third trimester and the local case of dengue fever. On the basis of the control of the autocorrelation, seasonal and long-term trends, the last-month input case, the last month's average minimum temperature and the delayed March cumulative rainfall can be used to predict the outbreak of dengue fever for the period 2013-2014. the density data of the mosquito, the drug resistance of the mosquito, the virus data of the mosquito, the data of the dengue fever case, the meteorological data, the sequence data of the dengue virus and the data of the foreign epidemic situation, the embedded geographic information system, the SaTScan, the R and the like are embedded in the mosquito density interpolation, The Dengue decision support system, which is produced in the form of Google Earth as a carrier, or a map, a table, and a map, can provide support for current dengue risk assessment, guidance intervention and decision-making, based on the analysis of dengue projections, early outbreaks of dengue fever, and the like. Conclusion The study shows that dengue fever is still an input disease in China and is not a local disease, but there is a possibility of localization. The local case of dengue fever in Guangzhou has a marked seasonal occurrence. Dengue input cases, monthly mean minimum temperature and monthly cumulative rainfall variable can be used to establish a low-cost, high-efficiency, dengue warning system. The dynamic and visual decision support system will help the prevention and control of dengue fever in real time.
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