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发布时间:2018-01-20 14:32

  本文关键词: 奥尔森派琴虫 PCR检测 水产品 澳大利亚 出处:《中国兽医科学》2017年05期  论文类型:期刊论文

【摘要】:为快速、准确地检测进出境水产品中的派琴虫,防止有害寄生虫传入,对OIE推荐的奥尔森派琴虫PCR检测方法的扩增程序进行优化,并应用于上海口岸从16个国家进口的21种贝类水产品95批次的奥尔森派琴虫的检疫。结果显示,该优化的PCR扩增程序用时由原来的224 min缩短为91 min,效率提高了2.6倍,且最低检测限相同;并从澳大利亚进口的9个扇贝样品中检出7份奥尔森派琴虫阳性,阳性率为77.8%。测序结果表明,与奥尔森派琴虫序列(登录号为U07701.1)的同源性为99%。试验证明优化的PCR检测方法快速、准确,适用于进出境水产品中奥尔森派琴虫的检疫,并提示在进口贝类水产品中,应加强澳大利亚进口水产品的检疫。
[Abstract]:In order to quickly and accurately detect Paiqin in aquatic products and prevent the introduction of harmful parasites, the amplification procedure of PCR detection method recommended by OIE was optimized. It was applied to the quarantine of 21 shellfish species imported from 16 countries in Shanghai Port. The results showed that the quarantine of Orson Peiqin insects was carried out in 95 batches of shellfish products from 16 countries. The time of the optimized PCR amplification program was shortened from 224 min to 91 min, the efficiency was increased 2.6 times, and the minimum detection limit was the same. In addition, 7 samples from 9 scallop samples from Australia were found to be positive, the positive rate was 77.8%. The sequencing results showed that the positive rate was 77.8%. The homology of the PCR sequence with that of Orson Peiqin (accession number U07701.1) was 990.The optimized PCR detection method was proved to be fast and accurate. It is suitable for the quarantine of Orson Phedrina in and out of aquatic products, and suggests that the quarantine of imported aquatic products of Australia should be strengthened in the imported shellfish.
【作者单位】: 上海出入境检验检疫局;
【正文快照】: 派琴虫(Perkinsus sp.)是寄生或者游离在贝类等软体动物结缔组织、鳃、内脏或套膜上皮中的一种重要的寄生虫,可引起贝壳不能闭合、套膜收缩、性腺发育抑制、生长缓慢等,对海水养殖贝类造成Corresponding author:HE Yu-ping,E-mail:heyuping@shcig.gov.cn来源国家Origin样品名




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