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发布时间:2018-02-26 23:04

  本文关键词: 畜牧业可持续发展 指标体系 综合评价 出处:《贵州大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:From the point of view of global animal husbandry development, in 21th century, animal husbandry still developed rapidly, especially in developing countries. The overall trend is that modern animal husbandry and traditional animal husbandry are developing together. In order to achieve the goal of efficient production and recycling of resources, and finally to achieve the sustainable development of animal husbandry, China is a typical agricultural country and the largest developing country in the world. Since the reform and opening up to the outside world, As a result of the continuous development of animal husbandry and the gradual transformation of the mode of production in China, the amount of livestock and poultry raised, the output of livestock products, and the quantity of resources for livestock and poultry varieties have been significantly improved, which has greatly improved the living standards of urban and rural residents in China. Animal husbandry has become one of the important pillars of the national economy. However, due to improper policies and low scientific and technological content, a series of environmental pollution problems have followed. Guizhou Province is a typical region where karst landforms are developed. Because of its special geomorphological environment, rural economic development is relatively backward, animal husbandry is still mainly pork production, the scale of animal husbandry is low, the production scale of livestock farm is more obvious, the main production scale is farmers' scattered farming, and the concept of farming is backward. The level of animal husbandry production is low, animal manure is piled everywhere, and the environment pollution is very serious, which limits the sustainable development of animal husbandry in Guizhou Province. This study is based on the theory of sustainable development under the background of developing ecological animal husbandry proposed by Guizhou Province. On the basis of ecological animal husbandry theory and so on, the comprehensive evaluation system of animal husbandry including 17 indexes is constructed from four aspects of society, economy, ecology and science and technology, and the weight of each index is determined by using AHP and Delphi method. The sustainable development level of animal husbandry in Guizhou Province from 2007 to 2013 was evaluated and analyzed. The results showed that the sustainable development level of animal husbandry in Guizhou province was between 0.271 and 0.316 from July 2007 to 2013. The development status of the four subsystems is as follows: ecological subsystem, science and technology subsystem, economic subsystem, social subsystem, and puts forward the restrictive factors and countermeasures for the sustainable development of animal husbandry.


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