发布时间:2018-04-26 01:01
本文选题:黑眶蟾蜍 + 中华蟾蜍 ; 参考:《福建师范大学》2015年硕士论文
【摘要】:本文以我国南方地区三种常见的无尾两栖类蝌蚪:黑眶蟾蜍(Bufo melanostictus)蝌蚪、中华蟾蜍(Bufo gargarizans)蝌蚪和斑腿泛树蛙(Polypedates megacephalus)蝌蚪为实验动物,利用急性毒性实验、亚慢性毒性实验、生理实验、遗传毒性实验,从个体、细胞以及基因水平探讨两种阿维菌素类药物:阿维菌素(Abamectin)和伊维菌素(Ivermectin)对这三种蝌蚪的毒性作用,以期了解这类药物对蝌蚪的毒性大小,为保护两栖类动物、丰富两栖动物生态毒理学的研究内容和建立以两栖类动物作为指示生物来监测环境的系统提供科学依据。通过急性毒性实验,确定半致死浓度(LC50),并以此为依据对急性毒性分级,为其他实验提供剂量参考。实验结果表明阿维菌素对黑眶蟾蜍蝌蚪和斑腿泛树蛙蝌蚪均表现为剧毒,对中华蟾蜍蝌蚪表现为高毒;伊维菌素对三种蝌蚪均表现为剧毒。亚慢性毒性试验中通过监测蝌蚪生长率,了解蝌蚪长期暴露于药物中,其生长发育受到药物的影响情况,了解药物对蝌蚪有无蓄积作用。结果显示:药物浓度越高,染毒时间越长,越能延缓蝌蚪的生长发育。通过生理毒理实验,检测药物对蝌蚪体内抗氧化防御系统的影响,了解药物对蝌蚪生理生化代谢的影响。结果表明,阿维菌素和伊维菌素会对蝌蚪的抗氧化防御系统的酶产生抑制作用。遗传毒理学方面,通过微核实验检验药物对蝌蚪血红细胞微核和核异常的诱导作用,还通过单细胞凝胶电泳实验,了解药物对蝌蚪的DNA损伤情况。结果表明,阿维菌素和伊维菌素会诱导黑眶蟾蜍蝌蚪和中华蟾蜍蝌蚪微核和核异常,导致斑腿泛树蛙蝌蚪血红细胞的DNA损伤。以上实验表明阿维菌素和伊维菌素对蝌蚪有一定的毒性作用,因此,合理规范使用阿维菌素类药物十分重要。
[Abstract]:In this paper, three common tadpoles, Bufo melanostictus, Bufo gargarizanss and Polypedates megacephalus tadpoles, were used as experimental animals. In genotoxicity experiments, the toxicity of two avermectin drugs, abamectinin and Ivermectinin, to these three tadpoles was studied at individual, cell and gene levels in order to understand the toxicity of these drugs to tadpoles. In order to protect amphibians, enrich the research contents of amphibian ecotoxicology and establish a system for monitoring the environment with amphibians as indicator organisms. Through the acute toxicity experiment, the half-lethal concentration (LC50) was determined, which was used as the basis for the acute toxicity classification, and provided the dose reference for other experiments. The results showed that abamectin was highly toxic to the tadpoles of toad and Rana paniculata, and highly toxic to the tadpoles of Bufo gargarizans, and Ivermectin was highly toxic to the three kinds of tadpoles. In the subchronic toxicity test, the growth rate of tadpoles was monitored to understand that tadpoles were exposed to drugs for a long time, and the growth and development of tadpoles were affected by drugs. The results showed that the higher the drug concentration and the longer the exposure time, the more retarded the growth and development of tadpoles. The effects of drugs on antioxidation and defense system in tadpoles were studied by physiological toxicological experiments. The effects of drugs on physiological and biochemical metabolism of tadpoles were investigated. The results showed that abamectin and ivermectin could inhibit the enzymes of the antioxidant defense system of tadpoles. In terms of genetic toxicology, micronucleus test was used to test the induction of micronucleus and nuclear abnormality in tadpole erythrocytes, and the DNA damage of tadpole was investigated by single cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE). The results showed that abamectin and ivermectin could induce micronucleus and nuclear abnormality in tadpoles of Bufo bufo nigra and Bufo gargarizans, and result in the DNA damage of RBC in Rana paniculata tadpoles. The above results show that avermectin and ivermectin have certain toxic effects on tadpoles. Therefore, it is very important to regulate the use of avermectin drugs reasonably.
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