本文选题:GGTA1 + 基因敲除 ; 参考:《甘肃农业大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In order to study the anatomical and histological changes of the main organs and tissues of GGTA1 knockout cloned pig and nuclear donor pig, GGTA1 gene knockout Bama clone pigs (2 BM-164 and BM155) and nuclear donor BMM2P were used to observe the heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney. The cerebellum and cerebellum were observed by histological technique. Heart, skin, spleen, lymph nodes, thyroid gland, adrenal gland, pituitary gland, esophagus, stomach, intestine, liver, pancreas, salivary gland, lung, kidney, oviduct and uterus were compared. The results were as follows: 1. Anatomical comparison showed that the heart of the nuclear donor was inverted conical; the liver was reddish brown and could be divided into two sides and four leaves; the spleen was purplish red and sickle shaped; the lung was spongy pink with soft light and elastic nature. Kidney is smooth polypapillary kidney, left and right symmetrical, beanlike. The anatomical characteristics of the heart, liver, lung, kidney and spleen of Bama pig with GGTA1 gene knockout were not significantly different from those of Bama pig, but the spleen of Bama pig BM155 was abnormal. There was no significant difference in the tissue structure of GGTA1 knockout major organs in the whole body compared with the nuclear donor Bama pig, but there were some differences in the tissue structure of the GGTA1 gene knockout pig. The main results are as follows: the spleen of Bama pig and BM164 pig in the immune system has good structure and normal development. The boundary between white pulp and red pulp is obvious and the splenic corpuscles are typical and abundant. However, the spleen splenic corpuscles of Bama pig BM155 were not clear, bleeding seriously, eosinophils and neutrophils increased, and reticular fibers were connected intermittently. In the digestive system, the jejunum of Bama pig BM164 was not complete, and there were some structural changes in the duodenum, jejunum and cecum of Bama pig without muscle layer, serosa BM155 and pancreas. More blood cells were found in the mucous membrane and submucous layer of the colon. The colon was more developed and the pancreatic interlobular septum was larger. A large amount of adipose tissue could be seen in the septum. The lobules were divided into several pieces. BM164 and BM155 Bama pig rectum developed better than BMM2 Bama pig. In the urinary system, the renal structure of the nuclear donor Bama pig. BM164 and BM155 were generally intact, but a large number of blood cells were found in the glomeruli and renal tubules, and the epithelial cells of the renal tubules showed slight exfoliation and necrosis. The tissues of other organs including brain cerebellum heart skin lymph node thyroid adrenal gland pituitary esophagus stomach liver salivary gland lung fallopian tube and uterus developed normally. These results suggest that the existing genetic engineering and animal cloning techniques can be used to clone Bama pig individuals with normal development of major organs and tissues, and it is expected to be a good platform and vector for xenotransplantation. But at the same time, some organs and tissues of Bama pig cloned in this experiment also showed different degree of structural changes, which may be related to individual differences, and its specific mechanism needs to be further studied and discussed.
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